Possible reason for Uber not allowed in Hong Kong | Uber在香港不被允許的可能因原

I have a sharing of what is the Uber status in Hong Kong previously. And it is clear that the poor situation have not been improved up until now. The government attitude towards Uber is still so strong that it is against the law and they have no intension to amend the law to suit the practical situation in Hong Kong.



And in this article, I would like to mention some political point of view that what is the possible reason that the government has such strong attitude to against the Uber.


First of all, let’s see what is the citizen’s attitude towards Uber in Hong Kong. In 2015, a research done by market research firm – YouGov showed that, about 55% Hong Kong citizen thought that government should make Uber as a legal service. So, we can clearly say that most of the citizen support Uber. So, why the government have to do such thing which is against most of the citizen expectation?



The possible reason maybe because of a woman – Tam Wai Chu. Who is she? Let me give some background information to you. Tam Wai Chu is born in a peerage in Hong Kong. The “Tam”’s family have a lot of power in Hong Kong. She entered politics before the return of Hong Kong. When it come closer to the return, she drew close to the China Government and appointed to many positions by Beijing during the transition period, such as member of the Preparatory Committee for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (PRC) and Hong Kong Affairs Advisor (PRC).

我想這原因可能是因為這個女人 – 譚惠珠。她是誰? 譚惠珠在回歸之前開始踏入政治圈,在香港主權移交之時,她開始親近中國。而北京也給了她不同的職務, 包括港區全國人大代表、香港特別行政區基本法委員會委員。

And what is the relation with Uber? The main relation is the Tam’s family holder a lot of taxi license in Hong Kong. She speculated the taxi license since 1990 when she is even still in the Transport Advisory Committee without declare her family investment in taxi businesses in the territory. And because of this, the British Hong Kong starts drifted apart from her. And after that she joined the Chinese factions and start gaining political power in Hong Kong, and also gaining the numbers of taxi license on hand. Until now, media still cannot sure how many taxi licenses she or her family hold. But what we can say is it must be a lot.


And let’s look on the price for the taxi license change. You can see that, the price raised start from 500 thousand in year 1986, to 6.5 million in year 2017.



So, as we all known, the Uber business will definitely affect the price for the taxi license. And Miss Tam Wai Chu had talked in the press and news that she against the Uber business several times. Yes, there are no prove that whether Miss Tam Wai Chu have used its political power to affect the government decision, but something is always better to keep it unsaid..


Source/ 來源: 1, 2

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