Uber uses bicycle to deliver take-away food // 我叫了一个Uber,来了一辆自行车,送我一个麦当劳外卖

Summary: Today, I experienced the new Uber-eats service, surprisingly, they use bicycle to deliver ordered take-away food!!!

You can see the pictures in this post, telling the complete story.


Today is Friday, which is a lot better than Monday. The weather turned to perfect when I was on the way from my office to home.


回到家里,领导 @hongli 正在电脑前忙着。显然,她没有准备晚餐的意思。

When I arrived home, my wife @hongli was busy with her computer. She apparently had no plan for preparing dinner.


I was so hungry, so I grabbed something to eat. Then my wife told me she would not make supper today, we would eat Uber instead.



This is because of the ads leaflet sent from Uber, who offers the take-away food delivery service. We have been using Uber for many times. So we would like to try the new service, Uber Eats.

下载安装Uber Eats APP,由于手机上已经有Uber, 所以新应用自动登录,像以前用Uber叫车一样轻车熟路,点好了由麦当劳提供的外卖,由Uber送餐——需要2英镑多运费,输入10英镑优惠码,首次倒是便宜。

Downloading and installing the APP are pretty easy. The app can automatically login as I have Uber app in my mobile phone. I ordered our take-away food offered by nearby Mcdonalds. The food would be delivered by Uber, which would cost me about 2 pounds. But I could use the ads coupon, which is worth 10 pounds. Nice deal.



What I needed to do is watching the APP, as it shows the progress of my take-away delivery, and waiting for the food to be delivered to my doorstep. It feels like the Meituan take-away delivery in China.


APP上显示送餐工具是Uber bicycle, 什么时候Uber推出单车了?要抄袭国内的摩拜单车了?想想也不太可能。但APP的GPS地图上显示的确像自行车,全然不像Uber出租车符号。我估计是一辆摩托车送餐?又快又方便。

The app showed the tool used for delivery is Uber bicycle. When is there Uber bicycle in the market? Does Uber want to copy the concept of sharing bikes from China? I do not think so. But the app did show the icon of the vehicle looks like bicycle, which is not like the car symbol as shown in Uber taxi app. I would guess the Uber eats delivery tool may be a motor bike, as it is fast and convenient.



I guessed the motorbike would arrive. So I went downstairs to welcome my first Uber eats delivery.


There was a car coming, but it turned to be a private car rather than an Uber taxi.



Later, I saw a man hardily riding a bicycle upwards on the road to my house, and gave way to passing car. I still did not see the expected motorbike.



Is the cyclist the Uber delivery man? He is waving hand at me. He is the Uber delivery man! He rode the bicycle for a couple of kilometers, and climbed a hill to my address. There are so many hills in Sheffield, but he arrived on time.


There is an Uber logo on his backpack. He handed over my take-away food. In the meantime, his phone was beeping. I guess a lot of delivery orders were waiting for him.

我笑着跟他说:Uber Eats APP上显示是自行车,原来真的是自行车!我叫了一个Uber,来了一辆自行车,再送我一个麦当劳外卖。

I joked to him: Uber Eats app shows it is a bike, and it is a bike. I order an Uber, then comes a bike, delivering my Mcdonalds take-away.


I asked him whether happy for me to take a photo of his backpack, which has the Uber logo. He said he is happy with it, even does not care his face is on the photo.



The take-away food is what you can see from Mcdonalds. My son and daughter loved it. But I am not satisfied by the food, finally I cooked a bag of Chinese instant noodle, which was an happy end.




I wish you a happy weekend.

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