Aventgarde and Unique Building: Shanghai EXPO Museum 超现实主义风格建筑:上海世博会博物馆

Brand new opened on May, Shanghai EXPO museum is famous for its creative architecture design: bronze external walls symbolize mountain cliffs, and visitors walks up in the history river inside the walls and finally reach the celebration clouds built from steel and glass. (I tried my best to describe the idea of the design...)


All the flags of the countries that attend the EXPO

The exhibitions in the museum.

The first one is the model building of first EXPO in London: The crystal palace. Check out the caption picture if you are interested.


When more than a century ago, new inventions are first introduced in EXPOs. I found these colorful invention models really cute(and my son, he thought those are toys for sale and asked me to buy one)


London 1851: Electric telegraph, locomobile, Champton locomotive
伦敦世博会:电报, 蒸汽机车,克兰普顿机车

Paris 1855: sewing machine, saxophone, printing telegraph
巴黎 1855:缝纫机,萨克斯, 印字电报机

London 1862: washing machine, milking machine
伦敦 1862:洗衣机,挤奶机

Paris 1867: captive balloon, velocipede, hydraulic elevator
巴黎1867 :系留气球,快脚自行车,液压电梯

Vienna 1873: classroom, Gramme dynamo
维也纳 1873: 教室,格莱美发电机

Philadelphia 1876: Corliss engine, Bell telephone
费城 1876:科利斯蒸汽机,贝尔电话

Paris 1878 and Barcelona 1888: Phonograph, typewriter, electric torch, incandescent lamp
巴黎和巴塞罗那: 留声机,打字机,手电筒,白炽灯

Paris 1889: electric tram, automobile

Chicago 1893: Ferris wheel
芝加哥 1893:菲尔斯摩天轮

Paris 1900: cinematograph, Santos-Dumont airship
巴黎 1900: 放映机, 桑托斯杜蒙飞船

Saint Louis 1904: wireless telegraph tower, Wright brothers airplane
圣路易斯1904: 无限电报塔,莱特兄弟飞机

Brussels 1910 and San Francisco 1915: ville de Bruxelles airship, Pacific locomotive, airplane and hydroplane, Ford assembly line
布鲁塞尔和旧金山: 飞艇,蒸汽机车,飞机,水上划艇, 福特流水线

Another exhibition is some EXPO building models: can you recognize which city it is?

More photos to be posted in my next blog...

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