Caribbean Islands-Cayman Islands (Original Photo) 加勒比海上的开曼群岛(原图) by @vandadream

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Hi Steemit Friends,
I would like to take this chance to thank @someone for publishing this post! And I would like to share some of my travel experience in Cayman Islands.


I always like the window seats every time when I take the airplane. I enjoy watching the landscape from the sky. No exception during my Last trip from Boston to Cayman Islands. When the flight was close to the islands, I saw the fabulous ocean colors with island landscape. It just looked like a color painting.



Cayman Islands is a British Island in Caribbean, around 480 miles south of Florida. There are three Main Islands, consisting of Grand Cayman, Little Cayman and Cayman Brac. It's one of best places for scuba diving in the world. We landed in Georgetown, the capital of Grand Cayman. When we arrived there, it was almost evening, but fortunately we caught our first beautiful sunset of the trip.
开曼群岛(Cayman Islands)是英国在美洲西加勒比群岛的一块海外属地,在佛罗里达迈阿密以南480英里,由大开曼、小开曼和开曼布拉克3个岛屿组成,是著名的潜水胜地。当我们降落在大开曼(Grand Cayman)的时候虽已近黄昏,不过我们还是很幸运的赶上了美丽的夕阳.




The next day, we walked on the soft sand of Seven Mile Beach from one end to the other. The sand was so soft and the crystal-clear water was breathtaking. Some people were laying on the beach to get a tan, some were floating on the water or snorkeling near the beach. When I was walking on the beach, I saw a lot of small fish quickly swimming by. There were also some beachfront bars that served some local drinks or beer. In the evening, you can either take a sail boat to watch the sunset or just sit on the beach to watch the sunset.




On day three, we took a local speed boat trip to Stingray City, a beautiful sandbar in the middle of ocean near Rum Point. When I got off the boat into the water, I could see and feel a bunch of stingrays surrounding my feet. We were able to lift them up and give them a gentle kiss. They are the friendliest stingrays that I have ever seen! Our tour stopped at Rum Point for lunch. The beach view was breathtaking too and there were some very large star fishes in the water. There was a small reef near the Rum Point Beach which was great for snorkeling. I saw more different type of fish than Seven Mile Beach.
第三天,我们跟着当地游船去了刺魟鱼城, 那是在一片碧绿大海边上的沙洲。一下船就被它们围绕着,三四十个刺魟从你脚边滑过,你还可以轻轻托起它的头给它一个轻轻的吻。它们是我见过最友好的刺魟!午餐是在Rum Point吃的,这海边的风景也真是美丽而且还能看到水里的大海星。在沙滩不远处有一些珊瑚群,在那里潜浮看到的鱼种比七英里海滩要多。






Besides enjoying the natural beauty of the island, there was also a turtle farm! Kids love it. The green sea turtles are endangered because some people catch them and eat them. This farm breeds green sea turtles and releases many of them back into the ocean every year! They also provide some farm turtles to restaurants to prevent the capture of wild turtles for food. The largest green turtle is over 500 pounds! There is lagoon in the farm that we were able to snorkel in and get close to the sea turtles.
在开曼除了享受那美丽的自然风光,还可以去岛上的海龟养殖场。小孩子特别喜欢! 因为一些人捕杀和吃绿海龟,它们已濒临绝种。这个养殖场繁殖了很多绿海龟,而且每年都会把很多的海龟投放回到大海!为了不让当地人捕杀野海归,这个养殖场也会像一些餐馆提供养殖的海龟。最大的绿海龟有五百多磅! 你还可以在海龟养殖场的人造湖里潜浮可以和海龟来个近距离接触。



If you like shopping, you should go to Georgetown. Everything is tax free! Georgetown has everything from jewelry and luxury watches, to small souvenirs.


On the last day at Grand Cayman, we went back to Seven Mile Beach before heading to airport. We wanted to enjoy that view again one last time and keep it in our memory!


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Author @vandadream, Posted By @someone

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