The Second Annual PC Gamer Weekender / 第二届PC游戏周末展


The PC Gamer Weekender is back. So, my husband @ezzy and I just "had" to check it out last Sunday. This is a unique event for anyone who is passionate about PC gaming as well as the latest technological developments on the horizon. It also offers you plenty of chances to experience the most exciting upcoming PC games in the industry.

I have to admit that I'm not as crazy about gaming like @ezzy, lol. For me, I consider it fun to play from time to time as it helps relax my mind from real world stresses. Anything "Mario" related is where I'm most at home, lol. And mostly thanks to @ezzy, who introduced me to some of the most popular games of all time, like the Warcraft series and the oh-so-fun League of Legends. I'm currently really enjoying playing that title as well as learning a great deal about patience, micro-management in gaming and strategic techniques.

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The venue is in Olympia London which is located near West Brompton (District Line) or Overground station, Kensington. We arrived there around mid-day and the place was already full of dedicated, enthusiastic gamers, lol.


There was a huge gaming area offering plenty of chances to experience the most exciting upcoming PC games.






There was section aptly named Developers Stage where some big names in the industry have interviews, advise of "best practice" game playing techniques and showcase some of the latest in gaming technology. We watched a talk given by the lead designer of the ever-popluar Minecraft, Jens Bergensten’s who included his thoughts on the newest "update aquatic". It was quite interesting and revealed to me just how famous and renowned he actually is.





There were also various games tournaments, to encourage people to join in and give it a go to win some cool prizes. I thoroughly enjoyed some 4-player action on the big screen in Puyo Puyo Tetris on the PC. Of course, I didn’t win, but it was still so much fun!






For more serious PC enthusiats, companies like Omen provided demonstrations of update computing components, improve setups and all with a view to make a monster machine capable of running the latest games as fast as possible. In additioan, there was a PC Workshop to assist with that. You would get first-hand advice from the experts on how to best configure your home PC.



However, my favourite has got to be the Retro Gaming section. There was a host of retro games to check out, with classics like Dark Forces, Theme Park and Rollercoaster Tycoon, to name a few. All available for everyone to play. A stark reminder of the sheer quality of yesteryear's gaming and how grounded its roots were in shaping what have today!




They also had a specially designed coffee table integrated with some really vintage old school classics. I tried the Mario game out on it and the memories came flooding back. That was "real" gameplay for you. Drink coffee to keep alert and game at the same time, what more to you need! I was very tempted to purchase one if it wasn’t for the high retail price of £1,999 for these tables. Oh well, one day...


Another section of interest, was the dedicated selection of board games. If you think board games are boring, you should check these out to possibly change your mind! They are innovative and nicely designed, including adventure stories, war games, even The Walking Dead themed ones on offer. Who couldn’t love these intricate strategy games that I'm sure actually makes you smarter as you play, lol.




For me, one of the main highlights of the show were the VR Games. I participated in a Star Wars - Jedi Challenge, having a one-on-one duel with Darth Maul himself! The graphics was amazing and it was real fun to play! Simple yet so addictive. I could have had a second round if it weren’t for the queue of people behind me, haha. Augmented reality based games, I think, will be huge in the foreseeable future.



Finally, there were two café areas for visitors to relax at after checking out all the attractions as well as grab a bite to eat.


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All in all, it was a great event that allowed you to play some top pre-release games, learn how to build & improve your own PC setup and an opportunity to win some cool prizes. But, most importantly, to have yourself a fantastic day out and immerse yourself in the vast, intriguing world of PC gaming!

英国伦敦的PC Gamer Weekender 又来了!对于那些热衷于PC游戏以及关注最新科技的人来说,这可是一个特别的展销会哦。在那里你会有机会体验业界最令人兴奋的新PC游戏。我和先生 @ezzy上周末也去见识了一下,呵呵。

老实说,我对游戏并不像@ ezzy那么热衷。对我而言,偶尔玩游戏有助于舒缓现实生活中的压力,特别是像超级马里奥兄弟系列的游戏,呵呵。@ezzy 向我推荐了一些非常受欢迎的游戏,如Warcraft 和League of Legends。我越玩越喜欢,并且从中学到了不少关于战略技术和微观管理方面的东西。

展会位于伦敦的 Olympia,可以乘坐地下铁到 West Brompton 站,又或是地上铁到Kensington站。我们去到的时候已经是中午时分,会场里早已挤满了热情的游戏爱好者!


同时展会还设置了“研发舞台“区域,专门邀请了业内一些知名人士进行访谈,为大家提供游戏技巧与建议,并展示一些最新的游戏科技。我们观看了Jens Bergensten的演讲,他是目前非常流行的游戏Minecraftde 的首席设计师,为大家介绍游戏的设计更新等,蛮有意思的。

还有各式各样的游戏比赛,鼓励大家参与赢取一些很酷的奖品。我也蠢蠢欲试,在 Puyo Puyo Tetris 大屏幕上玩了一转。 虽然没有赢,但我玩得很开心!

针对PC游戏爱好者,一些像Omen 这样的公司向大家演示更新的电脑组装和改进的设置,以便游戏更快捷持续地运行。你还可以从PC Workshop 那里获取专家关于如何最好地配置家用PC的建议。

我最喜欢的要数 Retro Gaming部分了。有许多复古游戏可供选择,例如Dark Forces,主题公园和 Rollercoaster Tycoon 等等。 大家可以任意玩,体验一下昔日的游戏,以及它是如何发展成为今天的游戏!

这里还有一个特别设计的游戏咖啡桌。我尝试了超级马里奥兄弟的游戏,能边喝咖啡便玩游戏,很棒吧,呵呵!只可惜这张咖啡桌的价格是£1,999 ,不然我还真想买一个回家呢,呵呵!

棋盘游戏也有一个专门的区域。如果你认为棋盘游戏很无聊的话,来这里尝试一下新的棋盘游戏,你可能会改变想法哦。新游戏不但很有创意而且设计也相当吸引人,内容包括冒险故事,战争游戏,甚至以The Walking Dead为主题。 我挺喜欢这些战略游戏,感觉玩多了自己也会变得更加聪明,哈哈!

对我来说展会的其中一个亮点是 VR游戏。我参与了星球大战的挑战赛,与达斯摩尔进行了一对一的决斗!虚拟的画面很逼真,玩起来十分容易上瘾。如果不是有很多人在我后面排队,我还想继续玩第二轮呢!我认为,虚拟现实的技术在不远的将来会逐渐普及成为主流。


总而言之,这个PC Gamer Weekender还真的不错,不但有机会玩新开发的游戏,学习如何建立和改善自己的PC设置,还有机会赢取奖品。最重要的是,玩了一整天的游戏,真是太爽了,哈哈!


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