Sing / Eat with Mellissa ? #2 一起來吃燒烤唱唱歌 I live in the moment and happiness is there ! Lets Come to Eat and Sing I Steemsongs coming soon

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Hello everyone on Steemit ! First I wanna say I'm so happy and surprise by @ned that he has resteemed my post of few days ago about steemsongs! And also all the voted and resteem by you all . It is really a big motivation for me, I'm so new on steemit and honestly there still have many thing i need to explore in here and here really is a good platform for me to share what i love and passion in !

在Steemit的大家今天過得好嗎?首先我想說對於我的帖文被 @ned轉發和得到大家的upvoted 我真的感到非常的驚訝和開心!因為我只是一個在Steem非常青澀的一員, 這對我而言真的是一個非常大的鼓勵! 一再的令我感到這 真是一個很好的平台去分享我熱愛的東西謝謝你們!

OK ~ Back to today topic ~ today is about food again ..... or more ?!
好了 回到今天的話題~ 今天也還是食hahahaha...........而且還有更多 =)

One of my friend is really obsess in "Hanwoo" ( is a breed of small cattle native to Korea) since he had a trip to south Korea, He keep saying that's the best beef he ever taste in his life, how soft is it , and how is it we were planning about have a "Hanwoo" night for a while ~ and that day is finally arrive ~~

話說我的一個朋友自從去完韓國回來之後, 就一直吵著要再吃韓牛. 一直跟我說韓牛到底有多香有多鬆軟有多好吃~說是他食過最好食的牛肉........所以我們一直想累個韓牛之夜, 然而這夜來臨了!!!!

Cos that is not much restaurant have "Hanwoo"in Hong Kong , even it have that usually very pricy so we decide to do it at home ~ when i arrived my friend home I'm totally in shock ! Cos they made it so professional ! I feel like I'm in a Korean restaurant or more like I'm in a korean friend's home !

因為香港沒有太多餐廳有韓牛供應, 就算有價錢亦會十分貴~所以我們最後決定在他家來個自家"韓牛之夜" ~
一到達我真的嚇呆了!!!他們真的把一切都弄得好專業喔! 我不只是以為自己在餐廳, 我差點以為我什麼時候多交了個韓國朋友呢 hahaha =)


As i said "Hanwoo" is really pricy in Hong Kong, we brought by $200/100g in Hong Kong dollar in the supermarket. But in Korea you can very easy to find it in the local market and it cost one-third of the price !! Better go to eat again next time :)
像我剛剛說的韓牛在香港賣得很貴!我們在超市買回家自己弄就要港幣$200/100g. 可是聽說在韓國只要三分一價錢就能吃得到喔!

Before we start main course we must have a look of the little Korean local dishes made by my friend. Cold korean tofu with sweet soy sauce is too good, i want to finish it all in a second. Do you guys like it ?
大家先別那麼心急著要看肉!!! 先看看我朋友特地做的配菜嘛 ~我對豆腐真的沒有抗拒的能力你們呢?


My friend also made my favourite Korean food to me !That's the traditional Korea soy bean soup can't believe this is her first time making this! It totally taste like the same I was having in Korea !
我最愛的韓國料理就是傳統的大醬湯真不敢相信我朋友第一次弄起來根本就和我在韓國喝的一模一樣~我真的感覺慚愧我確是好像只會食而已~~ ^^

As Wwe used Kale to rape the beef, the special flavour of it really make the "Hanwoo" even more better ! Must Try items !! Please drop it down :)

OK! Round 1 ! Fight !!!!
好了!好了! 肉來了看看那油花的紋路是不是很吸引人~~~



Actually I did forgot take a picture of one of the most important part ! That's soju + beer !!!! ( I guess I was too happy in drinking lol) But after a bit of drink we just grab a guitar and run out of the apartment sit on the stare and start sing ~That's why I gonna share a other cover song to you guys~

可是我忘了拍下另一個重點~有好食的怎能沒有美酒呢?! 我竟忘記拍下我們喝的soju !
我想我大概是喝太開心吧~可是我卻記得想再送首歌給大家我們吃完飯後, 隨手就拿起結他跑到樓梯間唱歌了哈哈!

Mostly I want to say is life is full of happiness and it can be easy ~ have a nice meal with some of your nice friend~play some music ~sing along ~live in the moment and happiness is there !

其實今天我最想說的是, 生活有時真的充滿著快樂與幸福 ~ 和好朋友吃上一頓好食的~ 小喝兩杯 彈彈結他 唱唱歌~ 活在當下! 幸福就在這了~~~

Hope you guys will love my sharing today and once again I'm so happy and feeling thankful now I have one more platform to share what i love and also can share music with you all on Steemit ! I'm so looking forward of the Steemsongs project !

希望你們會喜歡我今天的分享! 再一次~真的很開心和感恩現在多了一個平台去分享我熱愛的東西和我對事情的看法 , 還可以在這唱唱給大家 (因為上一次大家好像還蠻喜歡的 =) )

If you also love music like me pls check out @steemsongs which made by @thisisbenbrick here:
Best way is sign up to updates at!!!

希望你們會喜歡我今天的分享! 我亦很感謝Steemit 在音樂上的支持! 非常期待這個有關於音樂的steemsongs 平台~請大家多多支持上去看看吧

Hope you all like my sharing today ! I'll so happy if you u guys can upvote my post and follow me! @mellissaying
Please feel free to comment and asking me any question ! Your Comment is the most important thing to me :)
see you all very soon ! XOXO

如果喜歡的話請大家關注我@mellissaying !!!我會非常的感謝與開心!

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