墨爾本是一個咖啡和藝術的大城市 Melbourne a Great City for Coffee and Art

Melbourne has been ranked the most livable city in the world for a long time now. An amazing city full of life and art, oh and amazing coffee! Even though I do not always like to agree with everyone else, I do have to admit that Melbourne is also one of my favorite cities in the world, even after visiting so many other countries and cities.


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Things to do in Melbourne no matter your budget

Arts: MUST SEE STREET ART (Hosier and Rutledge lane)

Laneways: Causeway & Hardware lane, The Royal & Block arcade, Degraves street.

Cool European and gothic art: Government house, shrine of remembrance, Melbourne University

Coffee: The real reason you came to Melbourne is coffee, with Melbourne being the Coffee capital of Australia and a big place for coffee in all the world some of the places I checked out when I was there where Seven Seeds coffee and Brother Baba Budan. The second shop is actually owned by Seven Seeds coffee, both were pretty good. The coffee was strong and a little bitter, however you could taste your coffee and the background wasn’t flat.

藝術:必須看到街頭藝術(Hosier和Rutledge lane)
Laneways:Causeway & Hardware lane,Royal & Block arcade,Degraves street。
咖啡:你來墨爾本的真正原因是咖啡,墨爾本是澳大利亞的咖啡之都,在世界上所有的地方都有咖啡的地方,在那裡,我在那裡看了7顆種子咖啡和Brother Baba Budan。第二個商店實際上擁有7個種子咖啡,都很不錯。咖啡很濃,有點苦,但你可以嚐一下你的咖啡,背景也不平。

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Markets: Melbourne is also known really known for having some great open markets. The must see ones Queen Victoria Market and the Rose Street Artist Market. The Queen Victoria Market has a ton of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as a ton of cheap souvenirs (check out the $5 t-shirts especially!). It also has a great Wednesday night market with lots of great food and vendors, however I wasn’t able to go and experience its greatness. The Rose Street Artist Market is basically a huge Etsy shop. There is a lot of photos, jewelry, woodwork, and many other handmade items.

Places to stay–St. Kilda is a great area full of unique art and culture.

Food- queen Victoria market, wonder bao. Brother Budan coffee.

When you first arrive in Melbourne one of the first things that you are greeted with is the visitor or welcome center, if this is your first time visiting the city make sure you stop by there as they are very knowledgeable about the city and aid you greatly.

停留處: St. Kilda 是一個充滿獨特藝術和文化的偉大地區。
食品: 維多利亞女王市場,wonder bao。哥哥Budan咖啡。


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After shopping and eating till I was stuffed, I travelled to some cool church which great architecture.


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After leaving the train stations area we headed out to see some great street art. Melbourne is really known for two things great coffee and great street art. So those two things are must do's when visiting.


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To finish the day off on a culture note we decided to visit the aboriginal museum, this museum turned out to be a really cool and awesome museum. With lots of great artwork done by aboriginals in Australia.


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After having lived in Australia for a year, and travelling around the whole country with great friends, I have lots of great photos and stories to share with everyone in this community, so in the future look forward to that.



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