怡宝之乐乐兜着走(1) IPOH Delightful Casual Turn


我们从airbnb订了Hotel ABJ,给个👍!非常棒棒的房间~厕所又干净。

Holiday is coming Woohoo~
What does a holiday mean?
Meaning, going for a casual trip! To IPOH, YOLO~~~~
Please always be prepared for long waiting if plan to have a trip to famous places, queue up for food, for exhibition, for theme park, for everything~
As for Ipoh, of course is queuing up for FOODIE~

We've booked Hotel ABJ through airbnb which I found it to be a nice place with clean shower room.
It is located aside of the central. It is convenient for those with own car, avoiding those traffic jam.

A) 德记茶餐室 Restaurant Tuck Kee



First station--> Heading to famous Restaurant Tuck Kee, people's favourite.
Can you imagine? Waiting for the seats for half an hour, after placing order, waiting for another half an hour for food.
OMGGGGG! Really be prepared if you want to visit famous restaurants during holidays.
We've ordered for Yue Guang He and fried sprouts, hmmm it's really YUMMY, worth for waiting.
Also, it is famous for its Char Hor Fun, Wat Tan Hor and Octopus, with high order rate.
Shall have a try next time!

Afterwards, heading for curry fish balls and century egg roll on opposite street.
Swallow them without taking photos, aishhhhh~

B) 糖水街 Tong Sui Kai

Ding dong diang…..就是41号啦,据面子书的一个帖子。

Tong Sui Kai, full of stalls, so which stall no. shall I grab for mixed fruit snow ice?
Ding dong diang….I choose YOU, Stall no.41!!! Based on a post in FB.
It's a big bowl of it in which it can be shared by two person. Well, I found those people in the next table to have one on ownself.

C) 肥波雪花啤酒 Fei Bo Snow Beer


Meeting up with friends in Fei Bo Snow Beer, their common gathering place.
It's famous for its Snow Beer, we got a free cider this time hiak hiak hiak!
Even is late in night, it is still full of lots people, really a good place for yam cha I guess.

D) 夜晚独自乐乐去 A Night with Randomness

去了Kinta Riverfront, 被骗了,说好的灯灯呢?
幸好还有双人自行车玩,看似简单,我真是克服不了心理障碍,只好乖乖坐后座自个儿玩去吧 哈哈哈哈 😄
最记得就是那边有个桥上还写了nothing can see here,笑爆我了😀
接着就去了The Voice Karaoke Box,半夜场才RM15,挺便宜的不是吗?


Went to Kinta Riverfront, feeling cheated by the photos as I can't find any lighting there.
But luckily, still got double bicycle to cheer us up!
First time tried it, seriously, it is not that easy as what I have thought.
End up, I could only sat at behind seat as I can't even ride it if I'm at front seat hahaha
Riding here and there is such a pleasure.
And one thing that caught my sight is the phrase on bridge, writing that "nothing can see here" hahahaha! It's so true~
After that, we are heading to The Voice for karaoke, just cost RM15/person, don't you feel it is really cheap?

It's just for day one, I shall reveal my next day schedule on next post.

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