




那么,圣经所给的界限在何处呢?约翰麦克阿瑟(John MacArthur),一位忠于圣经的作家,在加州恩典圣经教会(Grace Bible Church in California)牧会的受人尊重的牧师,在一次采访中谈到这个问题:








Hebrews 13:17 says, “Obey your leaders and submit to them for they’re keeping watch over your souls as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning for that would be of no advantage to you.” So there’s a command there to be obedient to the leaders of the church. And yet we know that there are churches where leaders are abusive and take advantage of what they think is God-given authority and actually abuse the sheep.

What are the biblical parameters for this? John MacArthur, a biblical author and respected pastor of Grace Bible Church in California, addresses this in an interview:

Well, that opens up a wide discussion. First, I need to say this, and this is the bottom line, no preacher by virtue of his calling has any authority. I possess absolutely no authority by virtue of my calling over anybody, any time. I don’t have a right to rule people. I don’t have a right to rule the leadership of the church. I don’t have any right to make decisions about everything. The only authority that I possess is not academic because I’m better trained, it’s not because of my calling to preach and teach. It’s not because I’m called the senior pastor. The only authority I have at all in the church is the delegated authority that comes through the Word of God. The only time I can ever speak authoritatively about anything is when I speak the Word of God. I don’t have authority to say, “You become this...you do this...you go over here...you do this, paint this room green, buy this property, whatever.” And I’ve never exercised authority in those ways. I don’t have authority over people’s lives. God has authority over the life of His church. That authority is basically from His Word and by His Spirit. I’m simply the instrument to tell people what the Word says and what it means. So that is the only authority that I have.

When a pastor gets beyond biblical authority, he has abused his position. To tell people how to live and what to do, who to marry, to control their lives, to dominate their life, tell them how much money to give, that is an abuse of the role of the pastor who is merely a shepherd that delegates authority under the Great Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Secondly, the application of Hebrews 13:17 applies to those who are faithful. If you go back to the book of Jeremiah, even God excoriated the shepherds who misled Israel, the false shepherds and false prophets. All through Scripture, everybody has been warned in every generation of history in the revelation of God about false teachers and false shepherds. Of course it reaches an apex in the New Testament gospels when Jesus says to the people of Israel in the Passion Week, “Don’t follow them. Do not follow them.”

The Apostles of the New Testament pick up the same thing. Perhaps the most definitive passage would be 2 Peter...or Jude where we are very, very seriously warned about following false leaders, false teachers. How do you judge what is true? You judge them by their fidelity to the Word of God, both in what they say and how they live.

There are two ways to be a heretic. You can be a doctrinal heretic and you can be a moral heretic. So you’re to follow those who are true to the faith.

So the assumption in Hebrews 13 is that this congregation of Hebrew believers have legitimate, honest, faithful shepherds and they need to follow those shepherds. Therefore, you need to flee false shepherds and to flee abusive shepherds.

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