Yoga, Homesteading, and Travel - Day 3 // 瑜伽,有机耕作和旅游 - 第三天

Here are some snapshots of my life in travel, sustainable living, and yoga. Have a great day!

Taken in Kovalam, India

Taken post-ayurvedic massage in Kovalam. I just had a shirodhara treatment for my jet lag, which is when warm oil is continuously poured over the forehead (mine went on for an hour). This treatment has been used for thousands of years to help with sleep, stress, and headaches, and I was definitely feeling like a happy sloth when this photo was taken.

Taken in the Bay Area

“Master your breath, let the self be in bliss, contemplate on the sublime within you.” - T. Krishnamacharya
I used to find myself short of breath every day, anxiously thinking about 100 things at once. Mastering my breath through my yoga practice has been so beneficial in all aspects of my life. Whenever I feel myself returning to a state of anxiety due to this fast-paced Western lifestyle, I am able to return to my breath. I return to my breath, I return to the present moment, I let myself be in bliss, I feel the sublime within me, and all is okay.
“控制你的呼吸,让自己沉浸在幸福之中,凝视你内在的升华。”— T. Krishnamacharya

Taken in the Bay Area

Last year's sunflower harvest :-) Some for friends' vases and some for seeds. Has anyone tried to extract oil from sunflower seeds?
去年的向日葵收成:-) 一些朋友的花瓶和一些种子。有人试过从葵花籽中炼油吗?

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