Cold medicine = Drug driving?

A survey abroad once showed that 20% of the people died in traffic accidents which were caused by "cold medicine" .

The dangers of drunk driving are well known, but the dangers of drug driving are easy to ignore. Many people still drive on the road after taking medicine, totally unaware that even a small cold medicine may make them "road killers"

Cold medicine = Drug driving ?

Cold medicines are commonly used at home. They contain anti-histamine ingredients such as chlorphenamine and diphenhydramine, which can stop runny nose and treat colds. They can also cross the blood-brain barrier and have obvious inhibitory effects on the brain and make people feel sleepy.
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How to avoid drug driving?

1 Read the instructions clearly before taking the medicine.

Check to see if there are such words: during the period of taking medicine, you are not allowed to drive motorcycles, cars, boats, or engage in high-altitude operations, mechanical operations and the operation of precision instruments.

2 Take cold medicines without histamine

There are many cold medicines, there is always a cold medicine without sleeping ingredients.

3 Drive after taking cold medicine for 6 hours

After taking some cold medicines, the side effects of the medication can last for four to six hours. Therefore, it is suggested that the drives should not drive in the next six to seven hours after taking this kind of medicine.
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