So, what to do to reduce global boiling?

A few days before, people around the world took note when the UN chief warned that the planet has entered an era of Global Boiling. Global warming has ended and global boiling has started. July has seen the highest temperature ever recorded in many parts of the world. As a result, forest fires and heat waves have disrupted the lives of many.

Those who think that the heat can be escaped by switching on the air conditioner are only helping increase the heat and damage. Flying to far-off cooler destinations using a private jet is much worse. There is not much use sitting around a desk and discussing without doing anything.

So, what can be done to remove the boiling phase?


  • Plant more trees
    One plant per person - is that too hard?
    If only the world leaders took the initiative and urged the people to take time off their gadgets and go outside to plant one sapling and look after it every day. The communities and housing societies and the like can adopt this method and encourage people to plant saplings and grow vegetable gardens and so on. Would that be too hard?
    Unless one lives in a desert area.

  • Stop polluting the environment. We are all adding to the garbage pile on a daily basis. We can reduce it a bit by trying to create compost pits and reuse and recycle and sort the garbage and avoid landfills. The factory waste that is dumped into the rivers and other water bodies is also very bad and can affect the eco-cycle.

  • Stop talking - start doing
    People have to start taking action and rescue the planet from the fate that it is rushing into. We need the world to be safer for the generations to come and there is no use talking about it and going back to the old ways. The coming years will see lesser rainfall and that would affect crops and more flash floods because of the melting of ice and food would be scarce which will of course lead to more conflicts. We have to stop all this and do something before it is too late.

  • Form groups and motivate other people
    It is high time we form groups and motivate other people to also go green. it is the time to act and not troll. Media would have different opinions and most of them would do anything to get more views. I watched a media person trolling the UN chief but this person too would have felt the climate change but perhaps does not realize the importance of it. If we form WhatsApp groups and motivate people to plant saplings and vegetables and the like, it would be like contributing our bit to change the situation at least.

If you feel differently about what I wrote, please ignore this post but if you agree, then please share this post and let many more read it both inside and outside of Hive. I just wish that some people are inspired to act on the basis of what I wrote above.

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