RE: RE: Is Christmas a pagan celebration? (Part 4)
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RE: Is Christmas a pagan celebration? (Part 4)

RE: Is Christmas a pagan celebration? (Part 4)

It seems like you want to have sex with Mary. That is insane. That is idolatry. I'm not insulting Mary. I'm not sure how you don't get that. Like, Pagans are raping Mary and you are blaming me. I'm simply letting you know that they did that to Mary. However, you're shooting the messenger. Jesus refer to Mary as woman a few times. Jesus didn't worship Mary. You should worship God.

Catholic has different meanings. You continue to lie. Catholic means universal. Catholic also means the Roman Catholic Church which did bad things and taught bad doctrines including that you can give them money to get dead people out of Hell or what they call Purgatory. You would tithe, or lets call it a form of taxes, and get your dead grandpa's leg out of Hades. So, then you would have to pay more money to get his other leg out. And eventually his whole body. Catholics have a bunch of history of bad stuff. Therefore, you either don't know all of that or you are oddly evil or something. I'm not sure why or how you could defend the Vatican. At least one of the Popes was a Jesuit, etc.

What are you trying to say about the church founded by the Apostles not to be confused with the Roman Catholic Church of the Vatican and other monsters?

Are you saying Christianity and Catholicism both teach the doctrine and belief of "PURGATORY?"

You reference wars in Europe over the centuries between different parties. I'm aware of the battles.

You said Jesus founded Catholicism 2,000 years ago. That is either a lie if you're using the normal definition of Catholicism or it's true to the extent that you really mean Judeo-Christianity when you say Catholicism. It seems like you might be in love with the word Catholic. It's like the word gay which means happy. But I don't use the word gay because people use the word gay to mean homosexual.

Likewise with gay, you might be using the word Catholic to say Universal and yet like with "GAY" you must see that "CATHOLIC" is no longer "UNIVERSAL" in the same way GAY is no longer HAPPY. Gay is not even stupid. Like, gay has at least three meanings, happy, stupid, and not-straight.

Catholic is also an English word. You said English is a new language meaning Jesus did not speak in English 2,000 years ago to say the word Catholic. Perhaps Jesus said the word Catholic or Universal. But I would not use the word Catholic because of all the evil things associated with Catholics. That doesn't mean there aren't Catholics who may be real Christians. But it does mean Catholic leaders steal too much money from the Catholic followers. The leaders are abusing their followers similar to giant evil Christian churches. Some Christian churches are evil and Pagan.

Books existed before the printing press. Period. Not as many. And before that, scrolls. Plus, hidden technology, etc. There is so much we don't know. Meaning they had things we think they didn't. The ancient world was more advance in technology and everything than we think.

Catholics were told they could not and should not read the Bible by themselves, period. That is what Martin Luther opposed.

Public schools are public but brain washes people. Catholicism brain washes people. MK-Ultra Level.

Do you want to talk about Mormonism?

You pretend as if there is no evidence to how things were. Your talking points are insane. Every time I write to you, I hint at more things. You become defensive because I'm not linking to all the things that I hint at. For example, today, I briefly mentioned Purgatory which you never brought up before. You talk so much good about Catholicism. The good that you talk about Catholicism is Christianity. So, you play with semantics. You're conflating so much while ignoring so much. Who knows what I might bring up tomorrow or the next day. I'm barely scratching the surface of this iceberg. You have the ability to see that I'm right but you hide behind the fact that I'm being nice by not showing where I'm getting all of this from and there is more where that came from.

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