RE: RE: Is Christmas a pagan celebration? (Part 4)
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RE: Is Christmas a pagan celebration? (Part 4)

RE: Is Christmas a pagan celebration? (Part 4)

Carnaval. Like in Venice and montegras in New Orleans and so? Again, think my point was not clear. I’m not saying it’s connected to Christmas. Im saying saturnalia, while has nothing in common with Christmas, it has a some similarities with Carnaval. Not saying there is a connection at all, thought.

How does Mary look like Diana? Is it the color of the eyes or what?

I’ve seen how Jesus talks about his mother. I’m not sure you have, because Luther changed or surpassed most of her passages. He even changed a part of the old testament, when it says SHE will crush the head of the serpent. To “his” …

Full of grace was the way the angel referred to her. This one it really blows my mind. Do you think her son, would like you to say things like “she looks like Diana”? You get that she was chosen by God for the most important task a human has ever had right? I’ll say it again. Do you think Jesus was a good son, and if so do you think he likes when you compare his mother, chosen by the father to diana? But tell me, how does she looks alike?

Catholic means universal, it’s form greek. No matter how you try to present it. The word means, universal. It does not have other meaning. Roman Catholic Church, catholic has the same meaning there. It’s the church for everyone. Protestants love to say Roman, roman, seems like they forget the universal. And they for sure forget the other word, since they insist on saying the complete version, Apostolic. It’s the Apostolic Roman Catholic Church.

How long was Christianity the oficial religion of the Roman empire? who forced people to become catholics? Tell me the emperor. How , when, who and where? It would be nice, to if not show references and documents, at least present a rational. I think we’re passed the point, where you think I’m not aware of the “narrative” , as such, ti would be nice to show that your point is not a narrative, but it has some basis in reality. What are these churches. Where and how are they diferent form Catholics? Why did they went quiet after catholics ? If they didn’t, how, when, where and who?

The “black legend” not sure it’s called like this in english. It was the first propaganda campaign that it’s still running. It was the catholic bad, its were the dark ages name was invented.

Yes slavery happens to this day, mainly in African Islamic areas. Yet, 2000 years ago, it was not practise in Christian (Catholic) Europe. And yes, people tend to think os slavery as the beating and so on… I personally think, it’s part of the davinci narrative. But in Catholic europe there was no salvery at all, not just the worst forms, the entire concept. People where never, consider property, it was when the servitude system was resected. In antiquity, labor was for the low low people. In the middle ages, craft was encourage to free people.

By the way, you say muslims are taking over minnesota , you should go to Europe and see. A place they where attar with for 1300 years. Since you like history, a fact many people don’t know is the biggest war. It took 800 years of brute war for the Iberian Catholics to expect the muslims form their land. 800 years. And the first battle had divine intervention (Covadonga) Another battle with intervention on the Catholic side, much later was of Lepanto. Those two are insane.

Yes, I say I’m not Catholic and I defend it. Because, we can say it came later, but it just does not match. I looked at both very carefully. Taught I would go with protestantism.

Christianity is made of: Catholics, Ortodox and Protestants. Protestantism is from 500 years agi, ortodox 1000 years ago and Catholicism was founded by Jesus. The gates of hell will not prevail. If 300 years in, the church was inverted by the romans… it surely seems like the bible would be incorrect.

Well, the reading the bible alone is a valid point. But here is something to consider. Books where not around back then. Until the writing press. Many people could not read either. The sola scripture is a bit of a bizarre idea, since books where not around. It was like every town had it’s Bible. It’s not like some people try to make it out ot be, That people could not read it and it was confiscated or so on. Alo the reading was a big celebration. It is sacred texts after all. Catholic priests are always available, specially back then There are several masses a day, every day. It’s not like people had no access to it because of the evil priests. And from this “free, I know best” reading of the bible we’ve had tings like mormonism. as well. But yeah, that’s the best Protestant argument.

Also, people tend to go, Jesus, Constantine and then bam! Protestants. The 1200 years in between are just Cathoic bad. People tend to study hebrew but don’t study ancient greek or latin… a bit bizarre. But again, that’s the dan brown narrative.

Made many points with facts of history, I gave you some sources. I think with those alone you will see things quite in a more objective manner. Gave some interesting facts that are left out of modern books and Tv shows… Pointed to tread to be pulled in case you are curious. In case you actually have an open mind.

Some people will never move away from catholic bad, despite being faced with several facts. I was almost one of those.

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