Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Late for Christmas and early for New Year, but I guess this way I won't use the two holidays for separate articles. Anyway, the Christmas greeting is for those who celebrate it, I personally don't believe in it, but as I live in a mostly Catholic country I do join in on the celebration, this year I went to visit my mother (who is 84 years old) and my brother, in Olanchito, I had a good time and really enjoyed it, the roads were clear as there was a sort of truce for the holidays, havoc begins again in 2018.

And New Years is for those who celebrate it on January 1, 2018, I know some people out there have another calendar so they have their own New Year.

Here as in I guess all Spanish speaking countries, the 28th of December is celebrated as Innocents day, something like April Fool's day, everyone plays jokes and that kind of stuff, as I've told you I'm a cranky old man so nobody plays jokes with me.

Well this has been a very eventful year, we had hurricanes devastating parts of the American Continent, a confirmed nuclear North Korea, we had a lot of earthquakes, Brexit which didn't quite happen as it was supposed to, a continuing dispute about climate change, etc. I can't think of too many positive things, perhaps the rise of crypto which has started to worry the international financial cartel.

Here the most important thing was an election were the loser won, and the people siding with the real winner have been protesting, getting gassed, 30 odd were killed, yes a few policemen and soldiers were also killed, and I think it will get worse in 2018.

All in all I don't think 2017 was such a good year, luckily 2018 isn't a leap year cause those are supposed to be bad luck.

Well that is all for now, again I hope everyone has a great 2018.

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