Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas



Merry Christmas!

If you didn't know, it's Christmas Day today for Orthodox Christians across the world! That's because they use a different calendar to the Gregorian one called "Julian Calendar", at least for religious purposes. With the exception of Ethiopia, which has a different calendar for the date, most countries that have a significant Orthodox Christian population, like Russia and Greece, use the same date calendar as us. So it's 2024 in those countries like it is here. In Ethiopia, however, it's currently 2016.

Anyway. I was walking past what I assume to be an Orthodox church yesterday when I noticed a nativity scene. I wondered why they still had it up, but then remembered that it was Christmas Eve for some. Besides today is the day when most people take their trees down and the Christmas Season officially ends. Actually, now that I think of it, Orthodox churches aren't that keen on iconography like the Catholics and others. It may well be that it wasn't an Orthodox church but, rather, they just hadn't gotten round to removing the display yet.

The supermarkets moved on already, since Boxing Day, to the next commercial thing on the calendar haha. Like I said in a previous post, the Valentines Day card probably went up overnight on Christmas Day 😂

I want to wish all my Orthodox fam a Happy Christmas. ⭐️

Peace & Love,


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