Gifts in Human Form

Living in Japan in the Japan for 2 years has never been easy. Everything is a struggle but I praise God for making me get through every obstacle.

Defiling language barriers.

He who made me gave me aide to understand culture better.


I was given a Japanese Mother who I thought would never be close to me. I have had only few lessons with her back in Cebu and when I came to Japan, she welcomed me like her own daughter.

We may not have the same faith but we certainly was able to talk about our differences and were able to get things through.

Never had the same kind of bond with my biological mother physically and emotionally which was supplemented by her. Praise Jesus for his first gift, Akemi.


Defiling distance

A woman finds a friend of the same sex to relate to about certain stuff but not in my case. You seeing me with girls may be normal, but that’s how of a good actress I am. (Tell me about working in the Media Industry, haha) I laugh and giggle with them but empty deep within. My past friend-relationship with women were not nice at all that brings stains in my heart. (I’ll talk about it next time😉)


This woman is not physically in Japan but her presence reaches me because I was provided with a woman after His heart. She showed me my flaws and walked me through in taming them. She has always been my constant supporter, fan and life coach but above all, she is my spiritual partner. The only one on earth who never gave up on my stubbornness and my mishaps. The only one who never thought of me as a threat and a competitor. The only one whom I asked God for.

Our friendship went through waves a couple of times already but she hanged on. She held my hand, assuring me that she never will let me go which was something I almost did when I felt that she doesn’t deserve to have a stubborn friend like me. She deserves the best and thinking that I am not that hurts her, I know. Even when she doesn’t tell me because as I said, a woman after God’s heart. When God is hurt, she too is hurt.


I praise God and forever thankful for Imee, my confidante.

Defiling Different Life Perspective

To witness a friend change a perspective in life is rare. I thank and praise God for an answered prayer. This one is something I never prayed for in the beginning, I have no idea of how it all happened. He has been here for almost 3 years and might be leaving soon but have only been able to know him for few months. He’s someone ordinary to many which I never was interested with and even when we knew that we were of the same island back home, we don’t talk and have only known him by face, alone.

Until one Sunday afternoon, this is going to be the first time I’ll be talking about a secret. Our church leader talked to me and a church friend about him. Like I said, I have no idea about him until I found out that we were not of the same faith. I was surprised because I never thought that we weren’t, since he often goes to church those times.

Going back, he was our homework. As a daughter of God, I was not sure of how to talk to him. Men don’t open up to women, in most cases, even if they are super close. So, I told my church friend to do it instead as they were of the same gender and yet, I still have not been able to see something working out, until I found myself praying for him to know my daddy, Jesus.

If I remember correctly, our first long interaction was me asking for my candid photo during our Christmas Party in church.

It was a shot I long to have seen in all my photos and he was the only one who captured it, perfectly. His candid shots were too great not to talk about and so I began encouraging him to do more and more as he has that gift.

At first, he was not very confident of his skills and was often shy to show his photos but when I saw them, they were not mediocre ones. They were amazing, photos that capture moments and not clichès.

Until we began talking about Jesus. It was very awkward at the beginning and I was also hesitant to share but eventually, it comes naturally.

Fast track, now he has been watching Christian movies, giving life testimonies, bold is telling us of his prayers, and slowly reading his bible. This I thank the Lord for as I have witnessed how He works in him, reminding me constantly that He too is at work in me.

Daryl, a photographer, supporter, kid-at-heart, bearing a willing heart for the Lord and above all , a child of God.

I thank God for allowing me to witness a life changed in the person of Daryl Blanca and looking forward for more of him in Jesus in the coming future as He said what He started, he will finish. He started a good work in Daryl and I know he will finish this race with the Lord dwelling in him.


To have a lot of friends is fun but to have few sent ones is a blessing. I thank the Lord for the life of these people who made my life here in Japan, easier.

Its just amazing how God works in every situation we have. I just couldn’t comprehend how he did all these things for me, His love for me is shown is so many ways and this gift of friendship is one of them.

I thank the Lord for giving me a good life with these people here in Japan, where I was sent to magnify his name and make Him known in this nation.

How about you? Maybe you would want to tell me of how God has been working in your life too? Drop a comment below and I’ll be glad to answer your queries and read your comments as well.

Should you want to know more of my journey in the Land of the Rising Sun and/or my journey to heaven, FOLLOW | COMMENT | UPVOTE
It’d be a great help for me to continue doing what I do in expressing myself through STEEMIT as I don’t normally do in the real world. Hahaha

Please do check my squad’s profile for more of Christian insights, poetry, career and hobbies. @dzued @blueelephant @maryblue @theunlimited @marzuuu

Thank you!!! どもありがとうございます!!! God bless!

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