NEW START series-Truth

What do faith, religion, and trust in God have to do with health? Throughout this website, we refer to God's plans for your health, and the blessings derived from observing them. Is there any correlation between trust in God and our health? Actually, the list of connections is extensive.

Research has shown that spirituality helps to control stress, strengthen the immune system, and protect against heart disease and cancer. Beyond these benefits, God promises eternal life to those who trust Him—a life of perfect health and freedom from pain, fear, and death.

But can we trust God? Does He even exist? And if so, does He care about us personally? Before you can trust anyone—God or human—you have to get to know them, observe their personality and character, communicate and interact with them, and consider how they treat others. Before you can trust God, you need to become acquainted; talk, listen, and work with Him; investigate how He deals with His children. He longs to develop a close personal relationship with you. He invites you to come to Him on a daily basis and learn of Him.

Ask God to give you spiritual insight so that you may hear and understand what He is saying to you. Here are some of the more common ways God speaks to us:

Through the Bible. This book is God's disclosure of His own character and His love for humankind. He reveals the true story of the conflict between Himself and Satan and how it has played out through history. It is also the original true source for knowing Christ.

Through the life of Christ. God sent His Son into the world so we might have a clearer picture of His personality and character. Christ's life of compassion, courtesy, and service to others here on this earth culminated in His death on the cross, the most vivid portrayal of God's love ever seen.

Through nature. God created the wonderful and beautiful things of nature for the happiness and well-being of all His creatures. His love and wisdom can be seen in His created works. Though the earth bears evidence of the curse of sin and only dimly reflects the Creator's glory, His object lessons are still present. Nature still speaks of her Creator; imperfect and blighted though she may be, God's craftsmanship may still be recognized.

Through others. Like the moon reflecting the light of the sun, genuine Christians can give you a small glimpse of what He is like. However, the likeness of Christ in them may be partial, incomplete, or even distorted. It is better to look to the Source.

Through providence God intervenes in our lives; He leads, cares for, and protects us. If you look back over your life you may be able to recognize some of the times when He has worked to get your attention and tell you He loves you.
What about the trials of life? Where is God when the world is falling apart? Always look at trials through the lens of Calvary. God's love for you was proven at the cross. "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8).

He can never act towards you in a way other than love. This divine love combined with His perfect wisdom and unlimited power insures that His decisions are always right. God invariably leads His children as they would choose to be led, if they could see the end from the beginning.

If God is so loving and wise, why do bad things happen to good and innocent people? There are many reasons why bad things happen to good people. Here are a few of the factors that may be at work:

Our own choices. God does not force His will on anyone. He respects each person's right to choose whether or not they will obey Him and follow His will by doing as he directs. He lets us experienced the results of our own choices.

The choices of others. We all influence each other. The poor choices of Adam and Eve, civil leaders, drunk drivers, and our parents all affect our lives adversely. The innocent suffer from other people's faulty decisions.

Because of the violation of natural law. Objects fall, ice is slippery, and machinery fails. When the physical laws that govern our world are broken, accidents happen, and people get hurt.

Because of the adversary. Satan is allowed to test the loyalty and commitment of those who claim to trust God (see Job 1:1-12). Satan maintains that God's people do not serve Him from love, but because He protects and profits them—that if pain, loss, or temptation come, they will reject God and choose Satan as their ruler. When we come under trial, yet stay true to God, He is vindicated and our faith is proven to be genuine. When we stop trusting God because of our trials, Satan tells God, "see, they only served You for personal gain."

When Adam and Eve chose to disobey God, they released Satan to constantly tempt and torment the human race, and gained for themselves and their children a "knowledge of evil." Those who have experienced pain, disease, and death know firsthand what this planet would be like if Satan were allowed full control. Satan hates God and delights in hurting those He loves.

Because of the great controversy between God and Satan, the choices and circumstances that affect our lives may not be the best. But when we stay surrendered to His loving care, He takes those less-than-perfect circumstances and works them out for our ultimate benefit. He will always give us either strength to bear our trials or provide a way of escape. He promises, "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world" (Matthew 28:20). When we place ourselves in His hands, He will make all things work together for good (See Romans 8:28).

Remember, God can see the big picture where we cannot. We are like children, incapable of understanding decisions for future good that bring disappointment now. Rather than staring blindly at your hurts and dashed hopes, seek to understand God's perspective in each circumstance.

Prayer is the opening of the heart to God as to a friend. Come to Him as you are with your hopes, doubts, and questions. Share your concerns, your joys, and your struggles.

Persevere in learning of Him and talking to Him; you will come to experience His great unfailing love, His power and wisdom, the kindness, beauty, and compassion of His character, and the joy of doing His will. You will learn to trust Him and know that He loves you and will never harm you.

There are two more principles of health beyond the eight laws mentioned thus far that deserve special mention. They are gratitude and serving others.

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