chinese auspicious & mayan tzolkin energies of today

what to do, or not to do, today:

mayan long count calendar 🗓 date:

mayan haab calendar 🗓 date:

mayan tzolkin calendar 🗓 date:
(where 11 is the galactic tone of resolution-“a breaking into pieces”, and ahau/ajpu being represented by “sun”/“flower”/“blow gunner”/“lord”/“hunter”)

brother Mark Elmy tells us here:
”…This is how 11 works. You are sure you need to be doing something, but unsure why. You are collecting experience through many wanderings.”

because i had referenced the prophetic aspects of today’s date on the “chinese calendar calendar” 🗓…

to ensure i was traveling 🧳/ relocating 📦 (a.k.a. “moving”) on an energetically favorable day for that activity!

i found it interesting: the correlation between the energetic signature for today shared within the two separate, yet similar, ancient cultures’ cosmologies…

and, felt compelled to share here! 🤲

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