Book Review: Yes I Can


Yes I Can!
A Girl and Her Wheelchair
by Kendra J. Barrett; Jacqueline B. Toner; Claire A. B. Freeland
American Psychological Association

Magination Press
Children's Fiction
Pub Date 20 Nov 2018

I am reviewing a copy of Yes I Can through Magination Press and Netgalley:

This would be a great tool to teach young readers to embrace physical differences and not to judge by what someone is unable to do! She helps her Mom and Dad and even her baby brother.

Carolyn is like most kids her age. She loves animals, castles, and making things with building blocks.

When Carolyn was born her body did not work the way most people’s did. Her legs don't work so she uses a wheelchair but she can do almost everything the other kids at school did, sometimes she has to do them a little differently but she does them.

I give Yes I Can five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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