Chickens in the sun

Despite me feeling like crap yesterday the chickens still needed attention. They have to be cleaned out and the eggs collected. Whilst I was doing this they managed to slip out of the gate. Okay, so it's not such a big deal as we let them have a wander now and then. There's nothing growing in their run and they like to peck at green stuff.


My kids have not used that swing in a long time. Maybe I should take it down. Anyway, getting them back in was fun as one went off around the other side of the run and got confused about where to get it. I had to chase her for a while. And then I found the 3 eggs I'd collected and put on top of their food shelf had rolled off and broken. Oops. I really need to make something to put them in so they are safe whilst I'm busy with them. That's my project for today.

I heard one of them having a good shout this morning. That probably indicates that she's laid. They sometimes do the 'egg song' to tell the world.

Chickens 2

Chickens are fun, but they are not very bright.

I'm Steve, the geeky guitarist.

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