Depression Is In Your Head.

Alright friends, I want to have an open discussion on this topic. Recently it's all I've been thinking about: is depression just an emotion that we all have the ability to feel and some just choose to give into it? I genuinely want to hear from those of you that either agree or disagree with this post.


Ok, I think the United States is made up of quick fixes and band aid treatments. I think we can all agree on that. There's stress around every corner, people betray you, you lose your job, a loved one passes, and the list goes on and ON. Life SUCKS sometimes right? Sometimes life sucks MOST of the time. It's completely normal to not want to deal with life's hardships and we'd much rather stay in bed and scroll through Instagram and wish we had someone else's life. I've been there too and no one deserves to feel that way.

Now onto my point, I do know some people are born with a higher chance to experience depression. Basically you're born with poor-er coping skills. Your family has a history of depression and the moment you feel sad your family assumes "Oh, yup, must be depression." Now you're labeled as such and at least one other person has made this your truth by confirming it. I believe this can be a self fulfilling prophesy. Depression becomes how you define yourself.


How do most people get diagnosed with depression? They go to a doctor, tell them how they're feeling and a doctor looks at a list, checks some boxes, and boom you "have depression." Now you have a justification to let it consume you. You "don't have balanced hormones." A perfectly balanced brain DOES NOT EXIST. We all feel sadness and I believe it just comes down to how we choose to process it.

When people say "Try eating balanced whole food meals for a week and put on some sneakers and go for a run." that sounds ridiculous, BUT did you try it? Did you believe that it could help you? Or did you brush it off as bad advice and "they just wouldn't understand?" I'm truly asking this. I want to hear stories from those of you that disagree with this and I want you to tell me why I'm wrong.

I want to understand. I'm an extremely open minded person and I will not disregard emotions and honesty! I'm empathetic and understanding and I promise this is a safe place to express your thoughts. These kind of discussions are what spark ideas and inspiration.

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