Things you should know about brainwaves

In what state our mind is, is determined by the brainwaves.But what are those? Clearly they aren't the waves we hear when holding a seashell at our ears...

What are brainwaves?

Brainwaves are electrical signals sent from different brain cells to one another. At all time there can be measured four different types of brainwaves:

  • Beta (Very fast: 12-30 Hz)
  • Alpha (Fast: 8-12 Hz)
  • Theta (Slow: 4-7 Hz)
  • Delta (very slow 0-4 Hz)

Which ever of the four frequencies is dominant, defines our state of mind. And this is how they differ:


This is the conscious state of mind. This could for example be when we are working, playing sports, or writing a steemit article. The brain is fully focused on the task and conducts approximately 60 thoughts per minute.


The alpha brainwaves still represent conscious thoughts, though they often have from a subconscious root. The brain resides in alpha state when we are relaxing.For example while eating, watching TV or taking a break. In this state, the brain is in creativity mode. So if you want to come up with a super cool steemit article to write, you should put yourself first in alpha state ;)

But careful though. In alpha state we are also easily influenced. This is why advertisement on television works so well. First put the viewer in alpha-zombie mode, then fill up his subconscious mind with ads...


Theta is already a subconscious state of mind. It will be dominant during deep meditation, hypnosis or in REM sleep (while dreaming). The theta brainwave is the lead actor when it comes to the subconscious mind.


Lastly, the delta brainwaves. These are mostly present when we are in deep sleep. So neither awake nor dreaming. Just plain ol' Sleepin'. Pretty boring right?
But wait! In delta state, our body is in recovery mode. This is the state where the healing happens. So this state of mind is deeply subconscious. The nervous system is managing the body on cell level, to heal injuries an prep him up for when the conscious mind is ready to take over after we wake up.

I hope this knowledge helps you take advantage of the different states, and hopefully i have raised some awareness about TV ads. They implant themselves in your subconscious mind!!

Thanks for reading and have a nice one :)

This is part (10) of the 30 days writing challenge by @dragosroua. I combined this with a mindfulness challenge. My goal with this is to improve writing & english skills as well as becoming more self aware.

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