What’s your favorite morning drink? Why? challenge30days Day Ten

favorite morning drink dragosroua challenge fitinfun 10.jpg

Today’s question from @dragosroua is - What’s your favorite morning drink? Why?

I realized I do not have a firm morning routine for drinking when I started this post, and I think I need one now!

I have water sitting out everywhere and grab it for a sip as I pass it by, take a break, almost spill it and the like. Some of the water has baking soda in it and some has watered down fruit juice. I might just keep drinking the water or maybe make something hot. I might have barley water or some kind of root water I made. I also have bone broth and sometimes I start with that. And usually there are any number of juices in the fridge so it might be that.

All of them are my favorite and none of them are my favorite. I'm just drinking them.

I feel unsettled now but not thirsty.

Since mid-December 2017 I have been on a liquid diet – 60-100% of the time depending on the day and what I have. I’m lucky that I have many choices of healthy drinks, readily available and inexpensive here in Bangkok.

The only issue I have with drinks are:

  • the weight to haul them in to my apartment with my weak old self.
  • the inability to open many of them with my weak old self.

Thankfully, the 7-11 staff kindly provide help with opening bottles for me and I often get help from people randomly when I’m carrying heavy loads around.

Here is a group photo I took after one 711 trip of heavy drink buying.

Drinks one day beverages fitinfun.jpg

That’s a lot of juice, collagen and broth, and it is heavy for me to carry, but very worthwhile.

You can enter this challenge too!

Go to the opening post for the @dragosroua #challenge30days challenge.

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Anyone can lose weight if I did. Just start small and don't quit!

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