June 30 Days Writing Challenge - Life Hack - Day Eleven: Start your day!

I just returned from vacation with 10 of my friends and am now sitting at my desk at work doing some simple tasks and looking to write my #challenge30day post. After a long weekend of drinking great beer and eating rich foods I needed to hit the reset button which brings me to...

Lifehack 1: When in need of a reset, get up early and get your day started right. I was up at 6:30 am (I dont have to go into work until 9:00 am) and started my day with a fantastic breakfast of 4 farm fresh eggs, half an avocado, 2 pieces of wheat toast, hot sauce, grapefruit, and of course fresh coffee. My day has been productive and awesome since!


and since I am still behind from starting this challenge late!

Lifehack 2: Listening to music while doing tasks like reading is awful, unless you do not know the words. If you know the words to a song while you are reading a book you will not be able to actually comprehend the words you are reading because your brain is translating the words from the song instead. Try classical music for any tasks that require reading!

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