Peasant bread

Peasant bread (country bread, farmer bread, village bread or farm bread) is a very popular bread in Italy and in many countries of this world, its recipe was popularized and marketed as most of the bread recipes commonly and today in day it is a very demanded bread in the american bakeries and in the same way in other continents, its ingredients are few and its procedure is simple and fast and you will get a good special bread for everything (I especially recommend it for breakfast sandwiches) now Write down the following ingredients well so that you can prepare it when you want at home:
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-1 kilogram of bread flour
-500 ml of warm water
-15 grams of baker's instant dry yeast
-110 grams of margarine
-20 grains of salt
-20 grams of honey

Procedure: Start by adding the water with the yeast and honey in a bowl large enough to mix everything, then mix well and let it stand for 15 minutes covered and then add the flour and salt and mix with a palette of very good wood until it is forming a dough and when you can not mix more with the wooden pallet, start kneading in the same bowl or a very clean counter, knead for 15 minutes or until you get a smooth, homogeneous mass and elastic, then add the margarine and knead until the dough does not stick to your hands (do not add more flour, be patient and knead consecutively, then roll (putting all sides of the dough down and towards the center) and place it in the greased bowl and let it rest for 1 hour, after the hour, place the dough in the counter and begin to crush the dough to declassify it and place it in 3 parts, begin to form your bread in the form of loaf (same as the boleado but very well to pretado) and place it in a greased or bar-shaped tray stretching the dough as a rectangle or as an oval and begins to roll as if it were a parchment and pinch the last joint of the dough together when it is completely rolled, in both ways that you do it let it rest covered with a cloth or with a greased plastic so that it does not stick to the dough for an hour or until it doubles its initial size, after 30 minutes of being ready, it preheats the oven to 200 or 180 degrees Celsius and after the last time of the dough, make the cut that you like to the bread very carefully, bake the bread for about 25 minutes or until it is golden brown above and you hear hollow, and ready!
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It is a very easy bread recipe and I hope they do it, it is a bread that I recommend a lot because it is very easy to make and tastes very good for any occasion or to accompany any meal.

I hope you enjoy it a lot and any doubt write it to me in the comments

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