Daily celestial challenge -Agriculture

Hello great steemians!
This is my post for friday agriculture #celestialchallenge organised by @sirknight. I hope you really enjoy it!

Agriculture, the past or the future?

In the not too distant past in the part of the world where I come from, agriculture was considered by the majority to be a poor man's business. But today, that assertion no longer holds true. This assertion was made in the first instance because of it's unattractiveness. It was practiced using crude methods and tools such as hoes, cutlasses, shovels, e.t.c. This made it laborious and seemingly dirty. The subsistence system of agriculture was mainly practiced then as families simply farmed what they needed for their day-to-day survival and sold off whatever excesses they had, as there was no means of preservation.
But a time soon came when the youths in these rural communities abandoned their hoes and cutlasses all in search for 'greener pastures'. This led to a massive surge in the rural-urban migration. To them, the 'greener pastures' they sought would be found in 'white collar' jobs. Well, they may not have been wrong.
This inadvertently led to the abandonment of
farming for the aged in the rural communities. This they did, forgetting that there's no life without food, and no food without the necessary manpower to cultivate the plants, and rear the animals. But who would blame them? Life was difficult. Even the ones that tried to commercialize failed woefully because they lacked the needed resources and facilities.

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Technology, a friend or a foe??
In the urban communities where they suffered over population as a result of the migration, factories and industries were being built. Oil refineries, ceramics and metallurgy had taken over. Even the little farmlands that were still in existence were already being eradicated for these purposes.
Sooner than later, in the late twentieth century, the great disaster struck. There was food shortage. The food supply from the rural communities was no longer enough to feed the teeming population.

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The Intervention.
The shortage of food became so severe that people had to think to cause a change. The government found out that dependence on oil alone would not help save the country. There was a need for intervention . Private individuals teamed up in this divine intervention.
The government provided subsidies for seeds, manure and other agriculture inputs and even provided loans for Individuals.

Technology, in agriculture
Technology which was thought to have been a foe, taking people away from agriculture now became a friend to it. Mechanized agriculture was employed. Farm machineries like tractors, bulldozers, and the likes were used. Large hectares of land which would have been farmed for days were now been done in hours. Efficiency was increased. Agricultural extension workers were employed to help educate the masses about the importance of agriculture.Incentives were being doled out in their numbers. The venture became very attractive even to the youths.
Active participation in agriculture became the talk of the day. It no longer became a thing of the past.

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Importance of Agriculture
The importance of agriculture can never be overemphasized. This is because it is the very basis of our existence. Without food, there would be no life. Agriculture provides food and basic raw materials which are processed into the various necessary things we use in our day to day activities. Apart from the normal food plants provide, drugs and medicines can also be manufactured from them. Some plants such as cotton is processed into clothings for everyday use. Even the hides or the fur of some animals are also processed into woolen clothes.
The country's GDP has also increased through the exportation of agro-products. In fact, it's importance are far too important to mention.

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That's the photo of a sheep whose wool is being sheered to use for coat wears.

MY ADVICE- Homestead farming
Everyone should at least participate in agriculture. Planting of a vegetable garden would help in the reduction of food scarcity by at least providing food for your household. Instead of interlocking your compound floor with tiles, you could plant flowers which also helps in reducing green-house effect. Just try this, and you will thank me later.
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As an agriculturist, I would like to tell you a little bit about Catfish farming.

Catfish Farming.
This is the controlled rearing of catfish in enclosed places by providing the necessary requirments for it. This could be done anywhere. In tanks, in cages, barriers and so on. All you need do, is get a good culturable specie of fish that can survive in difficult conditions and culture. Make sure there would be adequate supply of clean water and supply of feed. The temperature too must be optimum. Those are the three basic condions fishes require to thrive. You can carry out further research and know more about them.
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Agriculture of old, is no longer the agriculture of today. The rich, the poor, the old and the young are now proudly involved in it. You too can be involved!
Agriculture is my past, my present and my future!

You can read more about catfish farming here

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