DailyCelestialChallenge Saturday-agriculture-Aloe vera

Happy day my dear community, today I bring you in the challenge initiated by @sirknight, the agriculture of a wonderful plant. His name is Aloe vera.
My interest in it, arose for medicinal and therapeutic purposes in a time when I had health problems, I found it incredible.

Aloe vera, also known as aloe, Aloe de Barbados or Aloe de Curazao, among others, is a succulent plant of the subfamily Asphodeloideae within the Xanthorrhoeaceae family.


How is the aloe vera plant grown?
Care of the plant
Locate it in a somewhat humid place and where it receives sunlight. It would be convenient if it were exposed to sunlight between 8 and 10 hours.
Water the plant every 15 or 20 days. To do this, use little water and try not to leave the pot flooded.

How to grow Aloe vera or aloe
Growing aloe vera or aloe in the garden, garden or in pots on the terrace or patio is an excellent idea. We can use the leaves or leaves of this wonderful medicinal plant in a multitude of home remedies and take advantage of its benefits. I recommend you read about the medicinal properties of aloe vera or aloe vera.

The plant of aloe or aloe is herbaceous, has a short stem and around it and parallel grows the leaves or leaves. It has a main root that is a rhizome.

But we are going to dedicate this article to know more about the cultivation of aloe vera or aloe and the care that this plant requires.

To multiply or reproduce aloe vera we can easily do it from the children that come out naturally around the mother plant. The better the conditions, the sooner the children will begin to appear. We will only have to discover a little the main root of the mother plant and separate with a clean razor the children with their respective roots. This will be done preferably in autumn or spring. Later we will plant the daughters plants in their new location leaving a distance between plant and plant of one meter. Water last night the area where you are going to perform the transplant.

This type of asexual propagation or reproduction is the most common, quick and simple in aloe.

Aloe vera is a relatively resistant plant and can be easily grown, whether grown in pots or directly in the soil.

You will see that when the aloe vera plant is young it has white spots or specks on the pads. These white spots disappear as the plant becomes more mature.


Requirements for the cultivation of aloe vera or aloe vera

Temperature: it is one of the variables that has the greatest impact on the growth of aloe plants. You can suffer in areas with cold climates, so it is recommended to keep in the greenhouse or indoors during the colder months, because frost could cause burns on the aloe stalks. Its optimum growth temperature is between 16 and 26ºC.

Substrate: the aloe grows very well in substrates rich in organic matter, loose, pulling acid and with good drainage to avoid the enchargamientos. If you are going to plant the aloe in a pot or cultivation table it should have a minimum depth of 40 cm to allow the roots to develop well.

Irrigation: aloe is not a cactus, that is, it needs regular and relatively abundant waterings.
Harvest: when the aloe plant reaches the age of two, it already possesses the medicinal properties that characterize it. Before two years is not worth cutting the leaves because they will not have the effect we expect.

Benefits of aloe vera

Aloe Vera contains the vitamins that our body needs to stay in good condition, including vitamin A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and folic acid. Among the minerals of Aloe Vera is calcium, zinc, chromium, selenium, iron, copper, magnesium, among others.

You will love this rich recipe of green juice with Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera, also called "sabila" is excellent for cleaning the colon.


  • 5 celery (celery)

  • 4 carrots

  • 2 radishes (Excellent for collagen)

  • 1 handful of dandelion leaves (powerful to detoxify the liver)

  • 1 lemon

  • The crystal of the aloe with the gel (to clean my intestines and eliminate accumulated putrefactions)

  • If you prefer, add green apple because these leaves are a bit bitter.


Water with aloe vera
The water hydrates us but if we also want to add elements that will promote our health, nothing like tasting water with aloe vera. Its numerous properties have turned it into one of the medicinal plants par excellence and, for this reason, a filtered version of the aloe vera juice has even begun to be commercialized. This plant is full of antioxidants and has regenerative properties; It will help us detoxify the intestine and stimulate cell growth and repair wounds.



For more details view his blog:

Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily theme's are:
Today's topic: Agriculture

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