13 Extreme Celebrity Fitness Transformations

Though you may think they usually have to be perfectly in shape just to get into Hollywood in the first place, this often isn’t the case. There are many celebrities who either wanted to improve an already fit physique or to go from overweight to fit. Whatever the motivation, some of these stars have been very impressive in their body transformations. The following are 13 examples:


  1. Joe Manganiello
    Joe was never actually in poor shape when he was in the public eye, but he has taken it to a whole new level. When he took on the part of the werewolf Alcide in True Blood, he amped up his workout routine and became really big and muscular, shedding a lot of fat as well. His abs alone have been transformed in a huge way, much more defined and shredded than they were before. He had always wanted to be big and muscular, so he decided to restrict his calorie intake significantly. Manganiello also adhered to a strict workout routine, focusing on chest and legs on Monday and Thursday, zeroing in on shoulders and biceps on Tuesday and Friday, and doing his back and triceps on Wednesday and Saturday. He also made sure to do 45 minutes of daliy cardio in the mornings.
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