Kittens and Mental Health...

So a few Hive posts ago I announced that I got a kitten and let me tell you he is king of the house. Since we got him it's not our house anymore- it's his...


The thing I love about cats is that they think they rule the roost and everything is down to them which he takes very seriously. He does what he wants when he wants. He wouldn't be my cat if he didn't have as much character that he does! On top of that we are getting ANOTHER kitten this weekend. Yoongi will be thrilled (not) and will definitely teach him the bad habits that he is used to doing lol
I'm so looking forward to getting this other kitten then Yoongi will have a friend and hopefully won't attack my legs as much, but that will never stop😂

I find that having a cat really helps my mental health. Recently I have been struggling with everything and even though Yoongi doesn't like affection that much just being in the presence of his character is enough and having another cat should (hopefully) help too. If anyone is also struggling with mental health I really recommend having an animal they can really help!

On the subject of mental health, as much as it is spoken about I feel like services especially in the UK (I am not sure anywhere else in the world but I'm sure it is either the same or worse) the services aren't very good whatsoever. I have been on waiting list after waiting list, as I'm sure many others have experienced the same thing and they never really do anything. It is like going round in circles.

For instance the other day I reached out for help and I was LAUGHED at for things by a professional!! Things that I struggle with and don't find funny in the SLIGHTEST. I just think the way they go about things is really off and they 100% need to change that. For anyone that is or has struggled with mental health I hope that you have gotten or do get the help that you deserve because no one should live day to day with these issues, it can feel very alienating and that people don't properly understand, trust me I have been there. You are not alone.

Ways to cope can be doing things you like, even though I know that when you have these issues, things you once liked don't seem as fun anymore. Things I like to do is write music, write poetry and listen to my favourite music. Anything that works, right?

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