The biggest challenge for cat owners is whether the cat is suffering or not. Indeed, cats are not able to let us know if they are sick. It is up to us to try to identify the signs of diseases so that our cat is taken care of as quickly as possible by a veterinarian.

The different symptoms to observe:

Loss of appetite If the cat does not want to eat for more than 24 hours, you have to worry.

Hydration. If you notice a significant increase in thirst, the cat may suffer from diabetes or kidney failure.

Did you shake him?

To find out if a cat is dehydrated, take the skin slightly at the shoulders of your cat and pull gently. His skin must be immediately put back in place. If the skin recovers more slowly, it indicates that the cat is dehydrated.

Hygiene. The cat must have clean and odorless ears. The teeth should be white, the gums pink and breath odorless. The eyes must be clean and the pupils must dilate and contract properly according to the brightness

Did you shake him?

Cats have three eyelids. This third whitish eyelid is in the corner of the eye. Only, if it becomes too visible, it is a sign of illness.

Vomiting and diarrhea. Check what he's eating to see if it's not poisoning. Lift the cat's tail and see if the anus is clean.
Coughing and sneezing. Control his breathing, he must not breathe open mouth to try to get some air.
Temperature. The temperature of a cat should be between 38 and 39 ° C.

Did you shake him?

A cat sweats by the pads. These are the sweat glands that secrete sweat by the pads.

Take the temperature of my cat:

The temperature can be taken by the anus with a flexible digital thermometer. The cat tends not to let it go and it can be complicated. However, there is a thermometer much easier to use.

This is the infrared thermometer (without contact with the animal). These thermometers are marketed at Polytrans. If the temperature exceeds 39 ° C, the cat has a fever and must quickly take it to the vet.

The air shot. The cat stays in a corner or tries to hide. Do not play anymore and have only one desire, it is that one leaves it alone. If you notice this behavior, you need to worry about it.
If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to call your vet.

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