Jeff Sessions Blames Marijuana For Opioid Crisis

The Attorney General's anti-cannabis stance is founded on a bed of misinformation and personal bias, not on fact and scientific evidence or reality of what the majority of the population wants.

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His latest comments come while speaking at a Heritage Foundation event on Tuesday night. When being asked about the country’s ongoing opioid crisis, he made the following comments:

“Sometimes, you just need to take two Bufferins or something and go to bed. These pills become so addictive,” he said. “The DEA said a huge percentage of the heroin addictions start with prescriptions. That may be an exaggerated number—they had it as high as 80 percent—we think a lot of this is starting with marijuana or other drugs, too.”

Maybe Jeff Sessions needs to take a more realistic approach to cannabis and start looking at the facts, science and the polls which indicate the people are in favor of legalizing cannabis. The opioid crisis is not caused by cannabis, it stems from the corrupt pharma industry which is blocking cannabis use in favor of their overpriced and harmful chemical concoctions, and the opium trade (controlled by CIA?) which is the root of the opioid crisis.

Jeff Sessions needs to actually learn about cannabis and its benefits, education around cannabis is paramount, not conjecture and misguided opinions.


He also needs to listen to what the population wants, not what he or the powers that be want.
Here is a poll from a few years ago which show Americans support legalizing cannabis.

Even the latest polls from US politicians show they favor Cannabis legalization. Going against the will of the people is a losing battle in the long run, he will evanutally fail on his campaign against cannabis legalization.


Clearly, Jeff Sessions has no clue what he is talking about, doesn't look at facts or evidence or willingness to consider what the population whats. How can he be in such a position if he can't even look at the facts? Being the Attorney General of the US, you would think he should consider facts above opinions. Or maybe being the Attorney General means doing the bidding of his masters/handlers, and not actually providing true justice or what is right for the country.

The US population needs to clean house and get rid of people like Sessions out of politics and positions of power... he is misinformed, misguided and probably corrupt.

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