Transplanting Seedlings

Transplanting Seedlings.jpg

Today was such a nice day I took my girls out side for some fresh air. I would like to put them in the ground but we still have snow so they need a bigger pots I'll have them inside another 2 or 3 weeks. This is my own mixed bag of seeds from witch I bought 2 years ago and that was sweet tooth and white shark. And last year they gave me some seeds to keep going. In one of my last posts I talk about Nettle and this is what I use on my seedlings it's like a miracle grow real good for root growth. I just boil it in water just like spinach and when done strain the water that is what you use for your plants. And if you like spinach and beat greens then you will love the nettle too, yes go ahead and eat it it's very nutritious full of vitamins even 25% protein or just toss.


Lighting and soil:

Looking for your feedback on this one. I have been growing natural outdoors for over 25 years starting my seedlings indoors. I use a regular florescent bulb from hardware store $7 grow-bulb and spend nothing on soil. I look for black earth add from my compost. This has always worked good for me I just see a lot of people on the net struggling with whats a better light or soil and I think they are wasting money on scams we have the most important things sun, earth and water.

Finishing up if your following, these are the girls I'll be posting updates from now till harvest and up in smoke to the kitchen.

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