Cannabis as a pain medicine and helping chronic pain patients

We live in a world filled with pain.Especially those who are ill or have hurt them selves are constantly living with pain, some having chronic illnesses or injuries which cause constant pain.

Typical pain medication is omewhat harmless when taken in correct dosages, even though ibuprofen can be harmful for your stomach and paracetamol can kill you easily on an overdose.


Any pain medication stronger than these is getting more and more dangerous

Some pain medicines are combination of more than one medicine, like panacod which contains bot paracetamol and codeine. The strongest pain medicines are strong drugs with high risk of unwanted side effects and addiction.

Instead of using opiate based drugs which cause strong addictions we could use something else!

Along with all other positive health effects, cannabis is a strong pain killer.

The majority of people who could get benefits from using cannabis are everybody with chronic pain
Pain medication is not only about helping to cope with everyday tasks, but to help chronic pain victims to get proper sleep. Constant pain is harming your sleep and some might need seperate sleeping medication, but when using cannabis, people with chronic pain can improve the quality of their sleep and thus improving quality of life!

Sleep is vital

There are vast amounts of cannabis related studies, in use of cancer based and non-cancer based pain. Studies indicate that cannabis is a highly effective pain medicine (both cannabis and cannabis based medication) with low risk of side effects.

The common side effects are:

  • Dizziness
  • Slower reactions
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea

One of the problems is the law

Cannabis has very few negative effects and there are no good reasons to keep it banned.

Second problem is the attitude of doctors

In several countries, medical cannabis is legal but only very few doctors have the intrest to use it as a medicine. Medical cannabis should be used far more as a pain medicine as all it's positive effects win the possible side effects.

Do your own part in freeing the cannabis! Vote, educate people, share information. Let's change the future!

Photos from Pixabay

Cannabis, Pain, and Sleep: Lessons from Therapeutic Clinical Trials of Sativex®, a Cannabis-Based Medicine

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