Keto and Cannabis ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ’š

December 2017

Cannabis has played a huge role in my self love, it has allowed me to get a handle on my emotional eating, strains like green crack and super lemon haze get me up off the coach and moving. It relaxes my mind and let me sleep which I donโ€™t think I really understood how poorly I was sleeping before, RSO is taking care of that. I have accomplished so much just in the last year. I put myself out there, and wear my heart on my sleeve! Iโ€™ve given away more cannabis to help people then Iโ€™ve consume myself. Last April Cory and I started our Keto journey. We have both come so far, heโ€™s lost 53lbs and Iโ€™ve lost 42. We both have more energy.
Cory cannot use any products with THC because of his job in the oil field so we now consume CBD isolate every morning and occasionally later in the day if itโ€™s stressful or weโ€™ve over done it!
Iโ€™m not at my goal yet, but Iโ€™m sure on my way โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿƒ

December 2018

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