SNOWBOARDING FOR STEEM: #15 - Big Jumps and CANNABIS - The performance enhancing properties of Cannabis

In this video I try my hand on the largest jumps I have attempted this season. After I meet up with some friends to ride somewhat fresh powder. During the day I start to contemplate the topic of Cannabis, specifically the use of the wonderful herb in physical activities.
For me cannabis is a substance of awareness. It brings me present into my body. Makes me more aware of where my body is in space. What my balance mechanics are doing. Mixed with snowboarding it is a match made in heaven. I am curious to all you cannabis users out there what your relationship is with the medicine and whatever physical activities you participate in? Does it enhance your activity or inhibit?

I hope you enjoy this video, please comment and let me know what you think!

Thats it for today you guys! Stay tuned for more adventures and interesting conversations. Please comment and let me know what you think about the video and the topic of Cannabis and physical activity.



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