Cancer is a business and nature is the witness.


“I find medicine is the best of all trades, because whether you do any good or not, you still get your money.”

"We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their
idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."—Glen Warner, M.D. oncologist.

If you get cancer, where will you turn for treatment?
One option is Chemotherapy, which is refused by 75% of doctors, works only 2-3% of the time.
Be careful You don't want to spill chemotherapy agent on your skin ! It's toxic and poisonous.
It's expensive- costing Hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Is it effective?
Describe Effective?
Conflicts of interest?
Will it cause more harm than good?
Do our cells wear gas masks?
Does conventional treatment target cancer stem cells or only the daughter cells which make up the bulk of the tumor?
Will the treatment have Crazy side effects?
Will my hair fall out?
Will I be able to eat?
What should I eat?
Should I check my Ph?
Should I quit eating sugar?
Will lowering insulin levels help?
What about restoring the mitochondria?
Glycolysis? Krebs cycle?
Will the treatment cause angiogenesis?
Will the treatment cause inflammation?
Will I need to have Fundraisers to cover expenses.
Has this CUT BURN POISON approach advanced in the past 30 years?
Can you give me studies that show that what therapy you're recommending will improve my quality of life?
Will you show me studies that if I take this, chemotherapy, radiation, whatever they're offering,
can you show me a study that I will live longer than if I do nothing?
I hear Many of the cancer patients go bankrupt. Their insurance would pay 80 percent, and they say I'm covered,
not realizing that the first chemotherapy treatment was going to be $30,000. And their 20 percent added up pretty quick, because there were 10 more chemotherapy on the horizon.
IN MY OPINION The war on cancer is failing!
Is it all about money?
Some chemotherapy drugs have a higher profit margin than others. If you were a doctor, wouldn’t
you be tempted to recommend the drugs that put the most money in your pocket?
The "Industry" is so big They cannot afford empty hospital beds.
WHY Not a more natural approach?
Black cumin seed Nigella Sativa?
Medicinal Mushrooms?
Essiac tea?

The cancer industry is just an industry after all! Doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and other stakeholders
in this industry profit whenever a patient accepts the toxic treatment that is chemotherapy, radiation or surgery.

Think before you pink?!?
Komen foundations sugar laced ribbon donut?
Red bull ?
Pink pizza box?
Pink chicken bucket?
Cosmetic chemicals?

What kinda awareness is this?

The next time you are asked to donate to a cancer organization, bear in mind that your money will be used to sustain
an industry which has been deemed by many eminent scientists as a qualified failure and by others, as a complete fraud.

There is so much information on all of this.
We just need to research MORE!.
I will post links when I get enough interaction so everyone can read.

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