My journey into alternative medicine

Two-time Nobel Prize-winning doctor Otto Warburg, stunned the world when he published that most ailments are caused by insufficient oxygen in the body.

His studies confirmed that if you deprive a cell of 35% of its required levels of oxygen for forty eight hours, the cell is likely to end up cancerous. It would make sense then, to come to the conclusion that a lack of oxygen is the reason cancer is on the rise and so widespread in our modern society.

Most people suffer from lack of oxygen. We are stuck in offices, make use of public transport and are bombarded with pollution.

If what Dr Otto Warburg says is true, curing cancer and other diseases is then just getting rid of the cause of the disease.

He claims that all illnesses are linked in one way or another to oxygen deficiency and when the human body is supplied with ample amounts of oxygen, most cancers cells, viruses, damaging bacteria, toxins, pathogens and disease microorganisms are killed because they cannot survive in a high-oxygen environment.

Since an oxygen-rich body is uninhabitable by way of disease, then the answer for eradicating sickness looks easy enough. Just supply the body with an abundant amount of oxygen, right? Apparently not! Oxygen cannot cure disease unless it's delivered to the cells and tissues of the body, and most humans are NOT capable of getting proper amounts of oxygen into their cells and tissues. Poor air quality, bad respiration habits and oxygen-depleting activities adds to the problem. More importantly, the human body is NOT always capable to deliver oxygen to the cells and tissues.

In order for oxygen to eradicate disease, it ought to be delivered to cells and tissues of the body and not just simply to the lungs and bloodstream. That's why other oxygen-based therapies -- such as oxygenated water, oxygen-rich foods or supplements, or treatments that release oxygen into the bloodstream -- are not always effective in treating disease. While they may supply the body with oxygen, they don't always have an efficient mechanism for breaking the oxygen free from the hemoglobin molecule, which means the oxygen is not delivered to the cells and tissues. Such oxygen-based therapies, therefore, are seldom effective in preventing and curing disease. These therapies can be very costly as well.

There is another alternative though: Dr. Thomas Lodi, Walter Grotz, Dr. Kurt Donsbach and Dr H Farr are using Hydrogen Peroxide as alternative treatment in treatment centers around the world with great success. Madison Cavanaugh wrote a book titled: “The one minute cure”, which she wrote after some of her family members passed away from cancer and she needed an alternative treatment in dealing with cancer.

This is personal for me as well, as my dad has been diagnosed with cancer and I would appreciate any advice you guys can give me.

Please join me on my journey into the research of these and other research giants, who have put a lot of work and energy into finding alternative treatments for today’s illnesses.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

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