Cambodia Chronicles : FIRE!!! I Awoke To The Sound Of Fire Engines Screaming To a Halt Outside My Building!!

I woke up to the sound of fire engines roaring past my building. This is not unusual as the fire station is just 500 meters from my house but this time the fire engines stopped right outside my place. There was a huge blaze outside in the street, between two building and many people were gathered there!

Screen Shot 2017-11-17 at 23.26.14.png

The fire raged fiercely and in the end three houses were burnt to cinders and another three houses were badly damaged. I have not been able to find out the cause of the fire yet but will be asking around tomorrow!

I wanted to write a post about why I voted for @teamsteem and I told him it wasn't necessary to vote for the post - I just wanted to thank him for his assistance and friendship! His reply was: "just use the money to help Cambodians! Perhaps these poor people who have lost their houses would be worthy recipients of this money! I will speak to the community tomorrow! 😃

There were two things that were interesting about this fire:

  1. The Cambodians were out in force and the sense of distress at not being able to help more was palpable within the community!

  2. The fire engines were all made in China with Chinese writing on them!

The fire is out now but the sense of strangeness in my street is everywhere! All the shops are shut!

Here is some photos of the blaze!



These photos were supplied to me by my good Steemit friend @mbalance !

Tragic as this fire was it was amazing to see the Cambodian's mobilise as a community. Something we see less and less in the west!

Go Cambodia!

Image sources: 1, 2, 3.

Jockey loves you All and is glad nobody was hurt in this fire!


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