❌Don't use bulking as an excuse to eat junk ❌


I know I eat the odd packet of Reeses cups here and there, it's fine to have a treat every now and then, but if you are bulking you need 80% of your foods to be nutritious and wholesome. Above are my favourite easy calorie bulking snacks to help you hit your numbers each day, without eating a ton of volume and feeling too full:
• 60g dried mango
• 300ml whole milk
• Homemade protein bar (recipe on my website)
• Banana with 1 tbsp pb
• 25g 70% cacao dark chocolate
• 40g Almonds
Added bonus, most of these pack some protein power too! Snacking smarter and being prepared will help you reach your goals faster whether you are bulking or cutting 🙌

Source: from my Instagram Page https://www.instagram.com/p/BYsLYlmHptd/?taken-by=caloriesmix

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