B&W Photo Contest - Asia Pacific - That time I ran into Mick Jagger in Laos (and other adventures in SE Asia)


It was 2006, and I was an illegal immigrant, living and working in Bangkok as a spam writer, back in the dark ages of internet marketing. A coworker and I decided to make a weekend getaway out of our 90 day visa run, and hopped on a cheap bus from Kho San road to Vang Vieng, Laos. On the way back to Bangkok, our bus broke down right in front of this hotel, in another town in Laos, and lo and behold - there was Mick Jagger looking both guilty and annoyed. I've always wondered...what was he doing there?

Unfortunately, I don't remember what kind of camera this was taken on. Though I think it was whatever middle of the road Pentax would have been affordable for a backpacker in 2006 :-)


On another trip, some co workers and I traveled to the legendary Angkor Wat in Siem Reap, Cambodia (via bus, always bus when you're 23 and getting paid in Thai Bhat!) We had three days off a week - so that usually meant spending two out of those three days on the road. Siem Reap was no exception and after stops and random cows blocking the road, it took about 10.5 hours - one way!

Unfortunately, I don't remember what kind of camera this was taken on. Though I think it was whatever middle of the road Pentax would have been affordable for a backpacker in 2006 :-)


I took that picture when I went back to Bangkok in 2015 to settle the affairs of my deceased birth uncle who'd lived in Thailand for 25 or 30 years. Of course, it was the height of rainy season, and that's what it looked most of the time I was there. Taken on iPhone 5.

I had a really hard time choosing pictures, because I'm a sucker for photos that tell a story - and have quite a few of those from when I travelled to Myanmar/Burma back in 2006. So, I'm just going to throw them in here, but not include them in the competition. Just think they're cool.

First is Monsoon in Bagan - myanmarmonsoon.jpg

This while riding through the countryside of Myanmar up to Inle Lake in the back of a pick up truck. What an adventure. It's admittedly cooler in color but wanted to stick to the theme, even though it's not an official entry.


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