Secrets Can Eat A Lot Without Having to Fear Fat

Everyone wants to have a healthy body with ideal body weight. And everyone would also like to eat well. However, many think that good eating is not healthy and fattening. Well, that often disturbs the mind.

Rather than interfere with the pleasures of eating, there are ways to keep you eating well without worrying about being overweight. Here are tips such as quoted from Women's Weekly:

  1. Eating with smaller plates

When eating, especially in situations of attending a party, there will be a sense of discomfort with the host. So taking food tends to eat. Well to work around it, try to eat using a smaller plate.

Because when you use a large plate actually makes your brain think that the portion size is smaller, which makes you probably eat more. Scientists call this the 'illusion of Delboeuf'. Conversely, eating with smaller plates, you can cheat the brain to feel satisfied with those little portions.

  1. Balance energy-rich foods with healthy snacks

Usually, favorite foods are foods that contain high fats and sugars. Like, cake tart, layer cake and so on. It's good, channel your favorite foods with some healthy but satiating choices.

For example, nuts and seeds. These foods contain high in fiber, protein, antioxidants, and also vitamin B6. In addition, fruits can also be a choice because it contains fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Vitamin C is contained to help boost the immune system and satisfy sweet desire and prevent constipation.

  1. Chew slowly

Chewing slowly has many benefits. Research shows that eating slowly can increase satiety and satisfaction while eating that helps you prevent overeating.

  1. Drinking the right one

Alcoholic drinks like beer or wine will only add to the uncomfortable sensation. The same applies also to drinks containing high sugar. On average for adults, the Health Promotion Board recommends not to exceed 11 teaspoons of sugar intake per day. The best option is the calorie-free water. Alternatively, non-sweetened drinking like green tea or oolong tea.

  1. Take time for physical activity

When you enjoy good food. There's no harm in taking the time to burn extra calories by walking or cycling. A slow road may help digestion. In addition, you can also take advantage of the ladder to do physical activity.


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