#Photography - Journey to capture the Milky Way.


This weekend I decided to take a trip to catch milky way, and wanted to do a little better than my last trip.
So, I researched and found this, The Bogie island Lighthouse.

It's a long shot, and all weather reports don't make it sound good. But, given the weather report here was never true, I got my equipment and drove 5 hours down the coast to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Where I got there, everyone began to line up, including the weather.

After killing some time and trying to take a nap, I saw people begin to appear, and decided to prepare my things and place a place before the crowd appeared, and that they did. After all, this is one of the few that I have from last night, and the only one that really shows the core, thanks to the bright spot of orange light ..

This image is edited in Lightroom and then stacked, mixed, and retouched in Photoshop. The foreground consists of three images, the sky is only one in the following settings;
Sky-20mm, f / 2.8, ISO6400, 25sec X1 Foreground-20mm, f / 2.8, ISO1000, 240sec Canon X3 5D MK IV Canon 16-35mm 2.8 L III Induro Tripod.

Good luck, your success is highly appreciated. Thank you... :-)



By @nimova47.

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