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  1. Overcoming Schizophrenia

In the preliminary study showed that improvement, in patients with symptoms of schizophrenia who consume betel, according to NIH. The commonly given schizophrenic drugs produce unpleasant side effects, triggering further efforts to discover new treatments. However NIH also notes that betel can provide tremor side effects and stiffness in schizophrenia research.

  1. Maintain oral health

Betel has anti-bacterial properties, thus making it much included as a toothpaste preparation material to prevent cavities. The anti-bacterial properties present in this betel may be a dental treatment agent as well as those we can encounter in strawberry benefits, a good lemon benefit for dental health.

  1. Prevent Dry Mouth

People in ancient times chewed betel, this is actually likely to produce large amounts of saliva. People who have problems with dry mouth, can be caused by health conditions such as diabetes and Sjogren's syndrome. InteliHealth explains that betel can be a safer drug to alleviate this symptom.

  1. Natural Antiseptic

Natural ingredients provide good health effects. Because the betel leaf contained an active antiseptic substance to kill bacteria. The antiseptic properties of betel leaves are caused by phenol derivatives of kavikol, where the antiseptic properties are 5x more effective when compared to ordinary phenol.

  1. Eliminate body odor

Betel leaf therapy was also able to eliminate excessive body odor. How:

Take some betel leaves
Boiled with 2 glasses of water
Lift the water when the water is reduced to one glass
Use to take a bath every day to get rid of body odor
Betel As Media Treatment

  1. Treating itching

Benefits of betel leaf can treat itching, by utilizing boiled water betel leaf. How:

Take 15-20 pieces of betel leaf, wash and then boiled.
Water boiled guanakan betel leaf leaves are still warm and then to bathe or wash hands

  1. Outer Treatment of Burn Injury

How to make the medicine is very easy, take some leaves of betel leaf, wash and squeeze the water. Add a little benefit of honey, then apply on the skin of the burned body.

  1. Natural cough medicine

Boiled betel leaf can be a natural home remedy to treat a cough. How:

Prepare 15 pieces of betel leaf
wash and boil with three glasses of water
Boil until just the remaining ¾ water
Drink the boiled water by adding a spoon of honey. Do it until cough is gone.
In addition, betel leaves also maintain the health of people suffering from respiratory problems

  1. Treatment of nosebleeds

A nosebleed is a condition in which the blood comes out with continuous blood from the nostrils. 1 piece of betel leaf that is still a little young pulverized, then rolled while pressed so that the oil out. Use it to clog your nose, leave it until the blood stops.

  1. Treatment of ulcers

Take the betel leaf to taste, then wash. Pound until smooth. Apply to boils and in dressing. Change the bandage twice a day.

  1. Reduce diarrhea

Prepare 6 pieces of betel leaf, 6 pepper seeds, 1 tablespoon coconut oil. Mash all ingredients until smooth, use as a liniment on the abdomen.

  1. Treatment of canker sores

Take 2 pieces of fresh betel leaf and wash. Chew it on the mouth until it breaks. Then discard the dregs.

Betel Benefits Help Reduce Whitish
Betel leaf is a traditional plant, typical of Asia, especially Southeast Asia. The betel tree grows and spreads to other plants. The length of betel tree can reach 10 to 15 meters. Trunk of betel tree is brown greenish, round shape, beruas which is the place of exit of root. In some studies, showing the benefits of betel leaf is good to overcome the problem of femininity such as leucorrhoea.

This has been disclosed by Amir Syarif from the Department of Pharmacology University of Indonesia. Betel leaf turned out to have a better efficacy than placebo. About 40 patients are whitish and not pregnant, people with diabetes symptoms, or kidney and liver disease.
Twenty of them were given betel leaf, while others were given placebo. For seven days the patients were given betel leaf and placebo on their vagina before going to sleep. This test proves about 90.9 percent of patients who got betel leaf declared cured, whereas in the group given a placebo only 54.5 percent

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