Don't cut your nose to spite your face....a short story

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Maya sat in front of the open window staring at the ocean. Why didn't things ever work out the way its supposed to? She had it all planned out so carefully.  Today was supposed to have been her day. She worked so damned hard and now all her hard work was in vain. SHE did all the work, and then that little minx took all the credit!  

Just because she was the secretary doesn't mean she should not get any credit. One of these days she's going to show them all. She had the perfect plan. This time Natasha would not get away with it.  They will definitely realize that she was the brain behind the project. She had the same qualification as Natasha.  When she applied for the position, they had to appoint someone from outside the company but obviously this was a lie. Natasha was Mr Dunkirk's niece.  She had absolutely nothing between her ears and what she knew about webdesign and advertising Maya had long since forgotten.  

When Natasha asked her to do some research about her next project she knew exactly what she had to do. She designed the whole site and it looked perfect but there were quite a few flaws in the design.  She did this on purpose so that when Natasha were caught out for stealing her work she could step in and take over. Maya was very pleased with herself.  The night before the big meeting she celebrated by going out for a nice dinner and even ordered champagne.  She would definitely be able to afford champagne more often once she takes Natasha's position. They must know that she is equally qualified and that she deserves this position more than Natasha does.

She ordered some snacks and the boardroom looked perfect when the CEO and the other executives entered the room. Natasha walked in last, smiling at Maya as if she knew that she was once again going to make a fool of her. Maya smiled back but what she thought was totally the she is going to make a fool of Natasha and not the other way around. 

Everybody sat down and Natasha stood in front of the boardroom-table. Once all was settled Natasha coughed and then said:

"Ladies and gentleman. As you all know, I am leaving the company. I am getting married and today's presentation will be done by Maya.  She designed the site and she ensured me that it was her best work ever.....I would like to present to you your new designer in chief.  Maya please come forward"


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