What Is Life : A Mystery To Believe And Not A Problem To Be Solved

Life is a mystery to believe and not a problem to be solved .These thoughts emanated from the fact that the challenges in this world are numerous.

Even if you are the richest man on earth it will be difficult for you to solve half of the world's problems.


Most people go through physiological and emotional trauma, the health effect is also a factor take for instance a woman that just list his only son in a car accident .And the son is in his early thirties, so just imagine how old the mother will be say 47-60.

The emotional effect is insurmountable, so tell me how can money solve these problem?the mother will leave the rest of her life in sorrow coupled with the health challenges that old age comes with, especially if they are closely attached .

Money to a large extent can change life's, it can transform a man dejected man from anguish to fulfillment and purpose.The need need to excel in life is man's default achievement. Starting from when he wakes up in the morning to when he retires to bed the need to solve his immediate problem is one of his number one priority talk of the hierarchy of needs.

There is little that can be done but with much success .If we all put our resources together and help the needy this sad world would be a better place. It is imperative to we all put our mark on this earth before we die, as it brings fulfillment. This is my thinking corner.

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