Habit While coffee

*Every coffee shop is special. But only a few coffee shops can make me reluctant to forget because the experience there is amazing *.


You who are or will wrestle in the business world, especially cafes, stalls, or hangout, of course know if the design of the place will determine how many buyers who want to come. The comfort, the uniqueness, and the contemporaryness of the place are some of the factors that young people consider when choosing a place to eat or hang out.

  • The first thing they see is how the place is, not what the menu is.

Many people who are selfish enough to maintain their position in the cafe after the meal when the cafe is busy. Sure, there are no rules that limit how long we can be in the cafe. However, there is no harm in tolerating with other customers and leave early to give the opportunity to those who want to eat in order to alternately occupy an empty table .

ethics in the cafe that requires visitors to buy food or drinks offered while lingering in the cafenya. But, for the sake of politeness, give something, whether it's just a drink, and adjust to how long you plan to stay in that place.

*** Drinking coffeis the most fun activity done anytime, anywhere and with anyone. Each person also has a way to make the coffee worship feels more solemn and animating. Although impressed easy and simple, it turns out this coffee activity is incomplete without accompanied by other activities. And based on the small observations that you do, here are four cool activities that can be done while drinking by some correspondent who claimed to make coffee***

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