When one of your fave mountains locals find your Steemit blog.

I had two different blogs topics going for today.

One was about cookware, what's safe, what isn't. The other one was about pregnancy fitness, which may have happened but a few things fell through today 😭.

And because I had a rough night last night and after a couple of short hours sleep woke up hungry, my brain just isn't on board today to write or think or process much.

So today I'd just like to give Amazeballs Arancini a huge shout out and virtual hug.


Thanks for the appreciation my sweet!
(If you missed my review here it is)

Seriously though I was just being dead honest and you guys know me by now, I'll always call it as I see it and these guys provide us mountains folks with great food and great service, and deserve the recognition.

I truly believe they are currently undervalued in the mountains and just wait until everyone catches on and finds them.

So to my dear mad balls lady, if you read this, I hope one day you can quit your day job and take your arancinis national because everyone needs this deliciousness and your beautiful vibe in their lives.

I'll never forget your beautiful self happily breezing by my front door with a bag full of goodies like some food Angel 😇

Power to you sister!! Go get em!!

And to everyone out there...


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