Innovate or Get left behind | a Steemit or a Life Philosophy?

No one is safe from stopping getting rewards.

Have you noticed how some of your favorite Steemians were being rewarded triple digits from their posts and one day, out of the blue, they stop getting those precious votes?

We all have streaks. Sometimes we are having a good week and sometimes we might be having a good month. The key here is to try to extend these streaks.

What I´ve noticed from highly rewarded authors vs. content creator that were getting support and stopped getting it is one just one thing, one big difference.

The former innovate whereas the latter keep using the same posting strategy all the time

Let´s talk about the first part: Getting votes and rewards for the first time

One of the hardest parts to succeed - whatever that may be - on Steemit is getting a strong follower base and achieving some loyal voters who enjoy your content or think your posts add value to the community or the Steemcosystem.

In my opinion, to get followers and daily votes, your content has to be different than any other on the blockchain. Not only regarding topics or subjects, but also how you sell it to your audience.

You know how there are hundreds of travel blogs on Steemit but only a few get huge rewards? Ask yourself one question:

How are these travel bloggers portraying their adventures to their audience? Are they different because of their videos? Do they stand out because of the way they tell their story? Is it because the anchor girl is cute? Whatever the answer is, they differentiate from other travel bloggers.

The same happens with any other subject/topic/theme on Steemit.

You will find there is competition everywhere. Perhaps when Steemit was rather young, it was easier for people to find an unexplored niche like Yoga, Adventure traveling (like me), cooking, make-up tutorials, surfing, crypto analysis etc.

But today is different. There may be tens, perhaps hundreds of people writing about the same subject as you and the competition is harsh; there is no place on the winning side for people who don´t innovate, keep creating but especially people who don´t give up easily

Find a style. Get your mojo going. Try, try again and keep trying different approaches to connect with your audience. It only takes one amazing post to get from cent rewards to dollar rewards. The moment you realize this posting strategy works, keep doing it.

Now let´s talk about the second part: Keep getting rewards and votes on a daily basis

People think the hard part is over. They already have some autovoters rewarding their content every day and sometimes a whale or two that enjoy that content snipes their posts, so they are pretty much ok right? They are set for life.


We, as humans, get sick of the same content and the same way of presenting after a while. As much as people state they don´t like change, the reality is that they don´t like change within their own lives, but they crave change around them.

They need your blog to innovate otherwise they´ll just get bored of reading about the same subjects, with the same writing style, using a similar photography techinques, approaching audiences in the same dull angle.

To keep getting these precious rewards we have to change, transform and evolve our content. This doesn´t mean that you start writing what your audience wants, I am a defender of writing or posting what YOU as author want. But also, you have to respond to your followers and give them your content in a way they enjoy it.

For example: I know my posting is getting dull - don´t waste your time telling me it´s not - and repetitive.

I started writing about adventure traveling and that is how I made a name for myself. Then, after getting an audience and a nice follower base, I began to mix my adventure posts with community driven and minnow focused posts - this was 9 months ago, way before I got my delegation - without forgetting that my main topic was adventure. All of this writing in two languages: English and Spanish, my mother tongue.

This way, people had different topics to read on my blog with different styles and audience. They didn´t - or I hope so - get tired of my posts.

While continuing to post about adventure and community, I tried to include some personal thoughts about life itself and my take in some daily life matters, without forgeting about my main posting subject: Adventure.

So now, I´m going to get you back my friends, I´m going to go back to the roots and start making adventure content again.


And you know what? If you may, you should try to do the same. Change, evolve, innovate... or get left behind.

In order to try to keep spam off my posts, I will report every spammy/non engaging comment to @lince and it will be flagged. If you want to do the same in your posts but are afraid of consequences, do it, I got your back if someone retaliates and flags you back. Oh, and feel free to copy/paste this last phrase on your posts, let´s get rid of spam together

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