@blocktrades + @thewritersblock - The entries so far... Check them out!

The Steem Fest Ticket Store is open!

You can check @roelandp´s offical announcement here to check out who are the first speakers, event prices and some other details. I noticed a lot of people already booked the ticket but, we also know there are some Steemians striving to win one f the contests @blocktrades is sponsoring and get a free ticket and accomodation in Krakow during the whole event!

For those who can´t get enough of Posts about Steem Fest, we compiled all the entries for tis contest. Remember you still have time to join this contest, make sure to check out the rules in this post

Don´t forget to check out the other contests @blocktrades is sponsoring and give it a go, perhaps you are the next person to go to Steem Fest with a free ticket!

Blocktrades + Open Mic - Video Speaking about yourself

Blocktrades + Steemit Poker League - Poker Tournament

So, the entries for @thewritersblock Steem Fest Ticket Giveawaya contest are:


I was stepping away from the noise and the phone ringing and Twitter notifications and everything else. And I was doing that because I needed to focus, I needed to settle down and write. I needed a few hours to be alone with my ideas and get them out of my head. And I did. My separation from the “real world” did wonders for my writing and I'm already halfway through with a longer story.

Making my way...to Steem Fest!


Hello friends of Steemit, my name is Huascar Garcia, I belong to a beautiful country called Venezuela, a well known paradise, where I give myself the pleasure and joy of living with excellent people, women beautiful and good cuisine haha, good talking a little more about me, I like too much Music,

I am Huascar Garcia



Naci por allá, por el año 1981, un 29 de Julio. Desde mis primeros años, cuentan que era muy sociable y siempre me gustaba compartir mis juguetes.

He pasado por varias facetas en mi vida (todas buenas, gracias a dios), me gusta leer, aprender y enseñar las cosas que aprendo. Soy padre de 3 criaturas espectaculares (2 hembras y 1 varón) y por ellos he aprendido a trabajar en varios oficios.

Mi propia entrada


On Steemit, I go by the handle @dollarsandsense. Browse through my feed, and you’ll find an account filled with 46 posts and 700 comments, give or take. Glance up at the top of my profile page, and you’ll see I’m from New England in the United States. The date “April 2018” will catch your eye as you see that I joined not so long ago. And then you’ll find a short description which says: I’m one of those annoying people who is “still finding their voice.”

Write your own ticket



This is my personal quote that works well with me. I've been into a series of ups and downs, even thunder and storms alike. Yet I am most proud to say that still I'm fearfully and wonderfully standing firm until today.

I got married and borned a child as early as 21 years old. Good thing that I was already equipped with a bachelor's degree and was already hired as an educator. Yet coming from a not well-to do family, the task of sending my younger siblings to college fell solely on my shoulders. Thus, I got myself in a pit of debt which I am even paying until this moment.

Write your own ticket


Depending on the day, I am a brother, a son, a boyfriend, an investor, a liberal, a conservative, an athlete, a traveler, a teacher, a drinker and a critical thinker. During most of my waking hours I am likely a combination of some, if not all of these things and likely many other descriptors have been used by others.

As I progress through my early thirties I dwell on my thoughts more than a decade ago. I search for meaning and purpose as if it were hidden somewhere beyond the line of sight. I contemplate the purpose of working and question whether I am living to work or vice versa.

Who am I?


I, like any other, have stories painted with descriptions of myself in my head, and for this exact reason – they're in my head – I find it a bit challenging to give a description of me, because it's easy to become blind to one's own behavior from a subjective perspective. "How does my behavior affect other people?"

But, it doesn't mean I don't have some picture of myself in my head, it just means that I'm open to the option that what I think of myself might not be exactly what seems to other people AND whatever I seem to be, might be due to a change in the future.

Challenges, priorities and possibilities



My name is Juliet Israel. I am pretty much not so different from what you see on the online space.
I have always wanted to be a speaker. This has been one of my utmost desires ever since I was a kid.
I'd imagine myself speaking to a large crowd of people who were glued to my inspirational talks.

I have always wanted to find my voice and feet in life and I think Steemit gave me a little bit of what I yearned for.

Write your own ticket


I was sweating profusely in the air conditioned room. The lady sitting at my right hand side was tensed, she had reduced her typing speed on the keyboard. I was relieved when I noticed the guy at my left hand side had stopped typing too. The three of us had gone through several stages to get a job in the firm, we were chosen out of many. You could tell how happy I was when I was called for the last stage, the stress was too much for a teenager looking to find something doing after high school.

My entry


It was the year 2017 and Gracious Egedegbe was experiencing real want for the first time. His father had just lost his job so his allowances weren’t forthcoming. He was going to be twenty three that year but he knew his days of dependence were over. To help his pathetic situation, he began to freelance as a writer and typist.

They say necessity is the mother of invention; well, hunger is the father of hardwork. His quest for three square meals forced him to engage in all kinds of jobs. Although a student of English Language, he learned to use TexStudio, an application for mathematicians.

Write your own ticket giveaway


“Ahem. Is this thing on?” The microphone whines. “Ok.” I shuffle some papers, looking uneasy. “I am submitting this as my entry to the Cupcake Wars contest. In this entry—”

Somebody offstage is making gestures and faces at me. What the hell does that mean? Are you climbing a mountain? What?


More than you wanted to know


I must confess it, I've always been what they could call a "frustrated traveler". I am from Venezuela, and that is a country in which its people can barely travel outside. I have traveled through its beautiful beaches, mountains and even dunes, Venezuela certainly is such an amazing country and I've loved every landscape I have seen so far, but now and then I feel that strong desire of getting further with my dreams and personal aspiration, that necessity of discovering my own world and venture myself through amazing places that I haven’t even seen, and sadly, in Venezuela, I just couldn’t, and now with my current salary in Peru, I just can't manage to do it.

Write your own ticket


I love a contest. The Steemit platform is full of them, and I regularly participate in writing contests and challenges because it gives me a deadline, and something specific to aim for. I've procrastinated on this one because it requires participants to talk about their true selves. Must I?

When called upon to share something about myself, I’m always tempted to point to the sky and shout “Look! Halley’s Comet!” Avoidance is key. Any excuse will do.

I love a contest

This is a @Blocktrades sponsored contest, if you like what they are doing vote for them as witness here

@anomadsoul is a proud host of this contest, if you like what he is doing vote for @ocd-witness as witness here

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